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plural, queer, disabled, alterhuman anarchists and collectors of shiny things
You were my favourite radinclus/system acc on twt but you blocked me and a lot of my mutuals who are also radinclus and it's pretty confusing
Of the reasons we block people, we usually only block radinclus accounts for one of three reasons (though there are rarely other reasons as well):
We don’t assume that people we have blocked are bad people or did anything wrong. We block heavily to curate our space so we don’t have to deal with harassment from bigots, especially after getting a lot of harassment not that long ago from an ableist harassment campaign that started on reddit and resulted in death threats and people behaving in really disgusting ways about our trauma and abuse history. Blocking is not a personal insult, nor is it intended that way. It’s just for our safety. Sure, some people who we have blocked we for sure hate and believe are horrible people, we’ve blocked plenty of infamous TERFs, but others we only blocked because we just don’t want to see something they post about often and the mute function on Twitter is extremely broken. Just depends on why we blocked you.
Unfortunately, as great as the whole radinclus online space is, it has a lot of problems. Notably, even though it tends to have good queer politics, racism and ableism are still occasionally a problem, like they are in every community. And, like in every community, abuse isn’t taken as seriously as it should, and survivors who come forward are not respected as they should be. We consider ourselves radinclus, so it’s not like we hate the community, but it’s often assumed that queer inclusion will extend to all other issues of oppression and it just doesn’t work like that. Like any other marginalized community, it has its problems, y’know? And when people try to speak up about it, sometimes shit really hits the fan. We’ve had experiences where people gossip about us behind our backs or make wild assumptions about us and spread rumors because we blocked them or one of their friends. We just ignore it because ultimately, if you decide you don’t like us for some reason that’s up to you, and it’s none of our business at that point. But it’s kind of exhausting getting questions about it all the time. We’ve answered this same question several times now. (This isn’t anger at you, for all I know you’re perfectly nice and just got caught in a block chain or something, it’s just frustration with the situation.)
IDK if it will help if we pin this somewhere or something but yeah. Hopefully that answers your question.
non-binary people are not allowed to have a gender that exists outside of the binary but wokely because i'm saying it about xenogenders and neopronouns
some people really do just replace the binary with a trinary and leave it at that huh
do you have any advice for living more as separate people? im part of a really small system, just 3 including myself, so i think it would be theoretically feasible. im just not sure where best to start living seperately, since we've masked the whole time we've known about our system (i think 5-ish years now?) even with friends who already know our system exists, and we still only came out within the past year. part of me is worried a sudden shift from "extremely covert system that presents as one coherent individual and barely makes information about themselves public" to "system so overt and distinct from each other they have no collective identity and relatively little overlap" would cause friction both in-system and out, even though we've already decided we all want this.
Honestly we can’t speak to your situation or what issues might come up for you but in our experience the biggest thing holding us back was fear. We were scared of how our lives might change or what things might go wrong if we started to be openly ourselves. It was extremely difficult for us to pretend to be one person, and we never felt like we were, but we had done it for so long because we didn’t know if it was safe to come out of hiding or if others would accept us. But once we actually started to express ourselves more and open up and be ourselves, most of the things we worried about turned out totally fine. Our friends and loved ones were all respectful and supportive, we were all able to work together as a system to make sure we all were getting what we needed, our relationships grew stronger and more authentic. We are also a very large system, and we’ve heard that these things tend to be even easier for smaller systems. There’s definitely a chance for other problems to come up, maybe a friend you thought was supportive turns out to be disrespectful about it. But if the people in your life already know, and you already have solid communication with the others in the system, really your biggest barrier is going to be fear.
That’s still a really big barrier. “Be yourself!” is way easier said than done. The key is baby steps. Trying to just completely unmask all at once is not very likely to work out, because unmasking is something new for you. When you have to pretend to be someone you’re not for your entire life, it becomes second nature, and learning to be yourself takes active effort. Like any other skill, you have to practice, and it gets easier over time. If you panic or you’re having an off day, don’t worry. These things take time. I promise you will get more used to it, though the process may be gradual.
You can start with something small like using fashion as a way for different system members to express themselves, or making space for each system member to have their own hobbies or special items or something like that. For example, Bones is big into reading classical literature, so he has a bunch of books that are specifically his books, even though the others in the system might borrow them from time to time. Agil has xyr special sweater that specifically belongs to xem. Even something little like that can help people feel like they have their own space and the freedom to be themselves, even if it’s in little ways. Things like opening up to others or telling your loved ones who is fronting can be a little more tricky, so I find it’s helpful to start by just getting more comfortable with expressing yourselves, and communicating your feelings and needs. Once you get used to expressing yourselves authentically in private, it becomes easier in public, first with trusted friends and then with everyone else.
There is a chance that unmasking might cause some friction, and people you thought were accepting of you actually were only accepting of the mask. This is a really difficult and heartbreaking thing to go to, and even though I don’t think it’s as likely as you might think, it’s still a legitimate fear. The important thing is to have a fundamental basis of support you can draw on. This includes external friends and loved ones, but it also includes the system/other system members. Even if someone in your life turns out to reject you or treat you cruelly, you will always have each other, no matter what. And, hopefully, you will also always have some external loved ones who can support you. In some cases those kinds of relationships where someone is disrespecting you because you are plural can be repaired and people can come around, but the important thing is knowing that no matter what, you will be okay. Even if some people don’t accept you, even if they never come around, you have no idea how much love there is in this world just waiting for you. You haven’t met all the people who will love you yet. The right people will accept and respect and love you for who you are, rather than expecting you to conform to their expectations of how they think you should be.
We wish you luck! Unmasking is definitely a process. You all are very brave and we believe in you. <3
where are y'all? (don't necessarily mean this literally, the question is something like "where to find community?")
There isn’t really an easy answer to this. “Just go out and find community” feels like a common refrain but if you’re disabled or in certain places/contexts it’s really not that easy. Even pre-covid it wasn’t easy, but now it’s so much harder. There are always online communities which aren’t that hard to find, but they also can be really awful, and the only real way to find the good ones is trial and error. Really the number one way we have found community was through anarchists in our area and anarchist organizing, because we met a ton of really great people from a wide array of backgrounds through that, but not everywhere has active anarchist groups in the local area. You can start one, we’ve also done that before, but that’s a lot of time and hard work, and you might find very limited success. If you’re trying to find community within a specific marginalized group that can be even harder. You might not have a queer or disabled etc. community established in your local area, and trying to form a community around that can be really difficult and sometimes even dangerous. We can offer specific advice if there’s a specific issue you’re having or a specific type of community you are seeking, but in terms of just generally finding a sense of community, there’s no easy answers. Even if you do find a community, there’s no guarantee it’s a very good one, or that you’ll be accepted and supported within it. It can be really hard to deal with the isolation of not having a community that supports you so we wish you good luck in finding that.
Hello weird question but are you proship or anti ship or com ship or something else entirely
I’m not a liberal, I’m an anarchist
"they are going to write a wikipedia page about you and it is going to be in past tense" is a fucking insane thing to say. but, it's something that has to be said, too
I’m good at saying insane shit it’s like my favorite hobby
do u have a favorite berry? :3
Blackberries are technically not actually berries but if we’re counting them, definitely blackberries. If not, then probably grapes.
ehehehehheh love when being plural means to have so much interesting lore... wish you a good day. whats something you love about your system?
Thank you. :) I love my friends and some of my friends are in this system that I am also in which is pretty cool. I love that we’ve all worked hard and created an environment where we can coexist and all accept and support one another. There are frustrating things about being plural but ultimately I am very grateful that I get to be part of this group of crazy weirdos.
Are you guys pro endo?
No we’re anti-endocrinologists.
Yep! :3
sorry if thats a dumb question... but like... are you one system person managing this account or are there multiple admins as in more than one person has the login..?
i mean it wouldn't really make a difference, i'm just a bit confused.
also i just found your account and you all have very good takes !!!
keep going!!!!
We are a plural system of multiple people. So, one body with a bunch of people in it.
Plurality is a spectrum and there are a lot of different ways to be plural. Some systems are one person with many different parts or identities etc. within them. Some systems, like us, are multiple people in one body. Some systems aren’t really either of those, or fall somewhere in-between. I figured we talk about plurality pretty often but I understand how that can be confusing if you aren’t as familiar with it.
Feel free to ask any questions you have about plurality if you want, we don’t mind talking about it. And thanks for the compliment!
puts you in the deep fryer (friendly)
I’m splashing around in there I’m having such a great time with my friends we are making tempura :)
I've been following you guys on my priv for awhile just because I never check my main, but I just wanted to say y'all have great vibes and hope you all have good day <33
Thank you! That’s very sweet. :3
im a newer follower, just curious what ur display name means? thx!
There’s a common anarchist phrase: “no gods no masters.” Hosts are a member of a plural system who is seen as the “main” one or who fronts the most. (You can learn more about what plural systems are here if you’re not familiar: Hosts sometimes are considered in some capacity to be the “leaders” of a system and to have a level of decision making power or control that others in the system do not. Some systems (including us) do not have a host—there is no one system member who fronts the most, and we all have equal power over our shared lives/make decisions together—so it’s a play on words based on that.
TLDR; it’s a joke, based on the fact that we’re a plural system of a bunch of anarchists.
hi hello you&'re amazing. may you have a good day full of shiny things
Thank you!!! May you also have a good day and find many pleasing trinkets on the ground.
pretty random but your pfp is so real
It is! Thank you. <3
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