
Hi, I'm Sora. I write omegazai and bottomzai like it's going out of style. In case you didn't get here from my twitter, catch me there!

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the omegazai queen... pick my brain


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anon kittens · 16d

am I the only one who see that quote from asagiri calling dazai a donut and think about chuuya as pipping bag filling him up

LMAO i haven't seen this quote. but... you are directly on the mark, that man is an open hole waiting to be filled with Chuuya's cream

anon kittens · 17d

Alpha (trans) chuuya who gets pregnant but still gets his ruts bc weird biology after the experiments the lab, him fucking omegazai rough because everything hurts, he’s so uncomfortable and he wants to vent it (and also the rut makes everything worse) but then cries about it afterwards bc he hurt his omega and hates himself for it

this is a wild fucking trip, ngl anon... my brain is taking this and RUNNING WITH IT

anon kittens · 17d

Alpha (trans) chuuya who suggests he carries his and omegazai’s pups bc Dazai’s too scared (bc of the pain) which leads to them role playing that Chuuya’s the omega and that Dazai’s gonna breed him 🥰

we love supportive husbands sharing the physical duties :') it would also be so interesting to see how Chuuya's alpha reacts to carrying a baby: something that his body is capable of doing naturally

anon kittens · 17d

Omega Dazai with very very painful heats, that only Chuuya could help him with, alone in hiding. he's not able to do anything but curl up on his ratty mattress and cry from the pain while calling Chuuya's name.

whimpering Chuuya's name into the cold air while writhing in pain, wishing for someone to just come end all of his suffering. EVERYONE IS SO ANGSTY TODAY WHAT IS IN THE WATER THIS MORNING /pos

anon kittens · 17d
anon kittens · 17d

anon, why are you coming in hot with the angst this morning, Chuuya going thru a painful horrible heat locked in a cell makes me want to SOB

anon kittens · 17d

How is that bitching fic going? And the manipulating fic you mentioned before?

They are steady going! I am only just now starting to return to normalcy after the death in my family, so I am working first on all stories/comms with hard deadlines. Then I'll start to jump back into the leisurely ones!

anon kittens · 17d

what about alpha chuu in rut and betazai!!! Alpha chuu who is so frustrated that he can’t mark his mate and smell him!!! Zai who cries about it alone when chuu is asleep bc his neck his so full of bite marks from chuuya trying to bond him

thanks for the tears anon :') this is SO HEARTBREAKING. Chuuya trying so desperately to bond with him over and over again, getting frustrated and confused when it doesn't work. His alpha would think it's because Dazai won't accept the mark, and that would only make matters worse.

anon kittens · 17d

omega chuuya in heat… leaking slick like crazy but also being the most feral bitch ever; Dazai tries to scent him and Chuuya just bites his hand until it bleeds because he got scared; chuuya just locks himself into his bedroom alone until it’s over every time

the absolute pain that this would cause is astronomical. Chuuya shakes and panics every time Dazai comes near him, despite acknowledging that it's him and he's safe. His omega still puts up every single defense possible

anon kittens · 18d
I need more theories about his backstory or better yet, asagiri gives us his official backstory

anon kittens · 18d

Lex’s art you rted had me thinking of alphazai calling chuuya his alpha whenever he needs something and chuuya gets all flustered and gives in just so dazai stops before he claims him bc chuu’s alpha WANTS it so bad

YES he is such a fucking brat. always using that soft, desperate voice when he bats his eyelashes and says "please, alpha". Chuuya's alpha would be singing with pride every single time Dazai referred to him like that. Imagine when it slips out of Chuuya's mouth for the first time? Dazai wouldn't be able to think straight for days

anon kittens · 19d

need more beta chuu and omegazai!!! Chuu feeling helpless when his omega is crying for knot and have to use fake knot toys after filling him with cum.

This makes my heart ACHE oh Chuuya would feel so broken and angry with himself for not being able t provide his omega the most basic of things. But when Dazai isn't crazy with heat, he'd always assure Chuuya that he's exactly what Dazai wants and needs, even if his omega says otherwise sometimes

anon kittens · 20d

Omegazai getting fucking into a pillow, after he may have flirted with a another Omega at the mall and the audacity to do it a few hours before Chuuya's rut is unmatched. The fact that it took me almost a I'll day to write this was crazy.

anon kittens · 20d

Omegazai who only after feeling safe and comfortable stops taking those heavy suppressants after YEARS. and just letting his omega instincts out and subconsciously scenting everyone at the ADA bc that’s his pack :’)

he accepts when his instincts tell him to protect the ones he loves and becomes even more territorial after the suppressants wear off. he becomes so much more protective of Atsushi and Kyoka cries

anon kittens · 20d

omegazai sends chuuya filthy voice messages waiting for him to get home already teasing him with what awaits

absolutely he does. Chuuya often has to leave work early because he can't contain himself listening to Dazai's horribly filthy messages

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