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anon kittens · 24d

So an omega drop is basically a self-induced coma-like state that an omega puts themselves in when extremely scared or hurt. It can be life threatening if left alone for too
long and usually only a mate or someone very close to the omega can pull them out.
So i got this info from from tumblr and i also got a similar one where instead of the trigger is being in danger, the cause is more to not having their needs taken care of.
If you want a more detailed one, i can give you the links to it or you can just search it up yourself bc theres a lot of diff opinions on the drop thing

Source :

oh my god??? this is SO good holy shit... i've never heard of this before, but i NEED to learn more and explore it! my immediate thought? "we now need omegazai experiencing an omega drop"
Thank you for this, dear anon!!

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