anon kittens · 19d

Daily thinking about Omegazai who's Alphachuu's mate but spends HOURS at day talking with a certain alpha he calls Odasaku, he always comes home reeking of alcohol, cigarettes and a scent that Chuuya CANNOT recognize (and as well he semi-catched on the scent of another omega he can't quite tell who, which is Ango), he doesn't question Dazai about it at first, he's deadly jealous tho, to the point he feels like he's going insane.

That until when Dazai's heat started, and he wasn't home yet and Chuuya was nervous like never before, he got a knock at his door only to see a red-headed and tall alpha holding his omega who seemed to be knocked out unconscious, turns out, this is the 'Odasaku' Dazai has been talking about, way nice than Chuuya thought he would be (and weirdest thing, he didn't seem to be affected at all by Dazai's scent)

That until Oda explains him that he doesn't see Dazai in that way, but sees him more as part of his pack along with one of his only friends, and that he only sees him as a little brother, and by the way Dazai didn't even seem affected by his heat when Oda first arrived carrying him, Chuuya believes him. Oda says goodbye after that, and leaves and nothing else.

Alpachuu worrying to much only to realize that the so called Odasaku was just basically his omega's caretaker and that isn't planning to get in between him and his omega at all, Chuuya takes in consideration that Oda becomes his and Dazai's pups godfather..


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