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Anonymous Coward · 6mo

What are you most proud of having done or making progress?

Oh wow this is such a deep question actually. Honestly, sometimes I'm think I'm proud of just staying alive. It gets hard sometimes, but I'm still here and I'm still trying to make the most out of it, to look for the things that make it all worth it and hold onto them.

I'm proud that I still have creative drive despite everything, even if I have little energy for it most of the time. If I can manage to just draw a silly doodle on my notebook or write 50 words on my fic wip, I'm proud of it. It's not much, but it's something. I still have something in me that wants to create and share my passion and my joy.

I'm also proud that I'm still curious even when I'm scared or unsure. Being curious led me to discover new things that are now big pillars of my life, like my kendo club, or even some of my best friends today. I might not be the best at anything I do (not art, not writing, not kendo, not social life); in fact, I'm kind of mediocre at pretty much everything. But I try to enjoy it all to the fullest and pour myself on it. It doesn't always work, sometimes I'm burnt out, I lose a bit of the joy that comes with doing all those things. But I keep trying. And I guess I'm proud of that.

Oof. Sorry, this got a bit deep, I don't know if this was the kind of answer you were looking for, anon 😅 But I hope it made sense. Thank you for the question! 🌸

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