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Hilang · 6 answers · 12mo

do you think life is fair?

define with the terms of fair? life is unpredictable and unjust. not everything can go our way, even luck and advantages won't always be on our side. it makes everyone have that moment when life can feel pretty unfair. but it is always different for each of us, so the unfairness isn't really the universal fair. It all depends on everyone's perception based on their experiences. does that make life fair bc everyone feels unfair? maybe. you can think life is fair to make yourself feel better. but, it's okay too if life is really unfair. if so, just suck it up instead of feeling helpless. use that unfair feeling for the good sake, to control yourself on your own path bc without that unfair feeling, you'll just stuck in a cycle. you'll never learn how this life works, how to be wiser, how to understand your own values, things that matter to you, how to see things from other perceptions

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