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Anonymous Fwend · 1mo

Idk if it's the right place to ask this but I saw one of your answers once where you said you quit English to pursue biology so yeah, here for some reason. Recently I've dropped out of college to pursue med and tried taking an exam but sadly failed so I have another year to prep for it but I feel like I'm not going to be enough. I've already wasted a lot of my parents money and they are angry with me for taking a risk. I want to work in healthcare but I feel hopeless and doubt my own dreams now

Anonymous Fwend · 1mo

still on kouyou. one headcanon I entertain is about her helping, directly or not, in mafia dazai's defection. or they had a plan to leave together, as she had a deeply buried desire for freedom and he knew it. but she gave up last-minute out of (trauma induced) fear it wouldn't work

it would add yet another layer to letting kyouka go, and a quiet secret they share. kouyou saw her young self in kyouka, that's clear. atsushi played the role of "an older man kyouka admired", even. a LOT to unpack in here

Anonymous Fwend · 1mo

I've been having kouyou thoughts. every character has their main theme, and imo, hers is freedom. that nikolai quote about the bird in the cage made me think of her. kouyou's "catchphrase" during the development stage was "the oiran". the more I learn about the old entertainment districts, the more I can see it's not only a design choice. luxury items that don't belong to the wearer. available, but unattainable. there is an exit, but it's so, so distant… etc etc. I could elaborate, but it'd take long af

Anonymous Fwend · 3mo

idk if I've sent this question, u might come across 2 identical asks lmao.

the ADA has 2 former assassins, one (unwilling) war criminal, and one ex-mafia executive. and somehow, Tanizaki is STILL the member closest to evil? stated by word of god?? what has he done, or what does he do, to surpass even mr. ex-mafia? that statement can't only mean the selfish villain mindset of burning the world for one person… profoundly thonking.

Anonymous Fwend · 4mo

why r u always so nasty about skk ☠️

Anonymous Fwend · 4mo

my mind has cooked a theory: fyodor is anemic + has a weak constitution because he was bram's blood provider for long. they're both long-lived, so (I guess…?) it happened for literal decades, even centuries, till bram was eventually sealed by that sword. we don't even know if bram needs to eat like a regular person, if he drinks blood only, or if he is bloodthirsty in the same way I crave cake at times. who knows to what degree they are mortal and/or can recover from repeated wounds. much to think about

ohhhh i love this, this is a big brain thought op. learning more about how fyodor and bram first met is literally what i am most excited about next chapter, i was not expecting this and i wanna know MORE. fyodor supplying bram with blood for centuries how ROMANTIC, this is peak old man yaoi. do you think blood is like wine to bram, does it taste better as it ages. "out of all the blood i have consumed for centuries, yours is the sweetest" etc etc. thank u for this thought it will be consuming me the rest of the day

Anonymous Fwend · 5mo

If you squint, Fukuzawa "subtly" paired up knkdz. It's not the same way other duos got paired up… In LN3 there's a line on "knkd is the only one who can handle dazai". Yeah sure there's work synergy, and the entrance exam nuance of "you approved the guy now take care of him lol", but.
Do you think he figured knkdz were biflag questionmark for each other before themselves? "I know what u two are (affectionate)"? If they remind Fukuzawa of his fukufuku days then… wails cries sobs

Anonymous Fwend · 4mo

do you think mori and hirotsu have explored each other's bodies 🤔 it came to me in a (day)dream

oh yes oh yes underrated old man yaoi 😩 hirotsu isn't an executive bc he is mori's wife actually

Anonymous Fwend · 6mo

CRESS did I see that you are playing bg3? Who is your favorite?

psyluna · 6mo

I've often been thinking (and this is a sign to write a fic I guess) about Tsujimura and Ango workplace romance. Coworkers to lovers. Might start casual, may or may not go steady. They stay in the office to "work overtime". idk. all her simping to Sakaguchi-senpai in the manga got me hmmmMMMMmMmMM. He treats her well too, they seem to be on good terms. And hot couple would be hot. I'm a weak bisexual...

Anonymous Fwend · 6mo

What type of trauma do you think Dazai already had prior to joining the mafia? His family and home life if he had one, etc. I tend not to think much about “why he wants to die”. “It's because I don't know why to live” (and The Mental Illness, which can happen kind of at random for some people) is a good enough reason in my eyes. He strikes me as very lonely at the time. I can't help but wonder what horrible thing(s) happened to a polite, somewhat soft-spoken little guy for him to end up like that.

Anonymous Fwend · 6mo

I have this theory about the Tanizakis. Them as an unrelated couple with a roleplay kink out of control is a popular interpretation, and I agree, BUT. Considering there are characters who were experimented on… what if they were, too? And part of the same “experimentation group”. If everyone in the group were told they were/told to call each other “brother” or “sister”, relatives or not… And they're kind of insane leaning onto evil (even Naomi, she's smarter than she looks)… That would explain a lot I think.

Anonymous Fwend · 6mo

Wait how many asks has that anon sent u 💀 jobless behaviour fr

Anonymous Fwend · 9mo

The other day I was thinking about the "Fukuchi got the prophecy of a war from his space-time sword" thing. It's probably true that he can "listen" to the will of the sword, especially when the sword was connected to the forger's ability to start with. However... like in any story with sentient or semi-conscient weapons... do you think "talking to the sword" or just "hearing" what it had to say worsened his mental condition? I do.

Anonymous Fwend · 6mo

the way you are insulting that individual you would think they personally offended you or something….why tf are you so mean and mad? like clearly a nerve was hit. they didn’t directly witness from an odz shipper but not like they were wrong bc clearly the shoe fit. you’re projecting creepy fantasies at op and more mad at them than on the ACTUAL odz shippers harassing and showing their creepy fantasies…..maybe ur actually angry that the nasty responses on that tweet prove odz-dislikers right 😍

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