Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Fwend · 4mo

Took your advice and finally read stormbringer(the book was sitting on my shelf for some months) and eww I hate that Verlaine bitch like I literally can't give a fuck about him. I hope he never appears in the main manga. I mean I can appreciate his character but idgaf about his sob story or whatever he's just not for me. I would've killed him if I was Chuuya. Overall the book is fine, not something I'd read again tho. I'll be reading 55 minutes next hopefully it will be better

glad you read it. i think we have very different feelings about verlaine!! but that is okay, if he is not for you then there’s not much more to say i think. i hope you like 55 minutes! if you liked the older era of bsd when they solved crimes and did detective agency stuff then perhaps it will be a little more your speed. i think it’s a lot of why i liked it so much, it is first and foremost a case story that just blows up (literally!) into a pretty wild series of lore drops. maybe my only complaint about it is that there is very little kyouka.

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