Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Avvy!!!! · 11mo


ooough difficult... but here we go...

  1. Schnelly (so many of the colors tbh.. unpainted, faerie, plushie, tyrannian, white...)
  2. Snowbunny (so many colors tbh..)
  3. Feepit (faerie or plushie)
  4. Ombat (unpainted or faerie)
  5. Gathow (plushie, tyrannian, elderly... blue...)
  6. Yullie (mutant, faerie..)
  7. Vacana (unpainted, faerie, mutant, grey..)
  8. Ona (plushie, jelly, rainbow..!)
  9. Kiiyak (unpainted, plushie, royal)
  10. Zebie (tyrannian, plushie..)

also didnt fit in top ten but also love.. nuk (tyrannian..!) antwerph, altachuck, wherfy (plushie!!!), tuceet, mimbi, alkenore, gwalla (starry!) feloreena..

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