Bea · 10 answers · 1y

What OC of mine is your favorite and why? Genuinely curious~

Uh. That's a hard question tbh. Despite seeing you draw them a bunch, I barely know anything about them 😥 Don't know if you have some info about them on a toyhouse or something.
But Ember is pretty cute!

the problem is i want to give all of them a hug cause shit they deserve it XD also sorry for the late reply, day has been an adventure

BUUUUT If i had to pick one id say Bonnie cause i love her her personality and she is also very pretty

Minori is my bby gorl... 💜 I think i know the most about her aside from Ember, and I'm biased bc her quirk is really neat. 😭 impeccable design.

I can't choose just one so; I love Ember, Marie and Bonnie for obvious reasons, since we do a lot with em together! I also love Rumple too for the same reasons and more for all of em!

UGGGGH ITS SO HARD TO CHOOSE!!! But if I had to pick honestly it's a tie between Ember and Bonnie! Ember’s design is just so pretty and I love the way you developed her and even though Bonnie is newer I really do love what you have with her so far! And her and Leon are honestly OTP for real!

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