thesickozone · 3mo

Any headcanons on what Mob and Reigen's respective kinks would be?

Mob is into come but in a way where he doesn't even realize it's a kink, he just thinks that's The Way Sex Is for everyone lmao. Like the first time they do anything other than hands/frot Reigen pulls out a condom and Mob is openly confused and disappointed - if Reigen is clean and he's a virgin then why?? if there's dick going into mouth or ass then in his mind there's GOT to be come and shared fluids or else there's no point. the intimacy and the physical proof of the pleasure both appeal to him on a level he can't even really articulate, he just knows he wants Reigen's come on him, in him, and he wants his all over and inside of Reigen too.

Reigen is into praise, both giving and receiving. He wants to feel valued and prioritized. I feel like he'd also be into occasional rougher sex, specifically being the one getting roughed up haha - but he realizes that Mob would be freaked out by the thought of hurting him, even only as part of a scene, so it takes a long long time for them to get to the point where he even brings it up. (Mob would also suck at roleplay, dear god.)

both of them enjoy their size difference :3

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