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secret admirers · 4mo

dj haitham and dancer cyno where they don't exactly meet but admire eo secretly. haitham can't help but be hypnotized by cyno's alluring moves and kind of already memorized some of his favorite songs and always make sure to play some of them just to see cyno shine even more on the dance floor. sometimes they happen to make eye contact during those times, and haitham surely isn't fooling himself thinking that he isn't the only one feeling the room get unbearably hotter, right?

OP……cyno who only goes to that specific dance club at the same time every weekend bc he’s so drawn to the DJ who sometimes plays his own productions in btwn tracks by other artists. They don’t know each other but yet with the music and dancing speaking all the words for them it seems like they’ve had countless conversations already😮‍💨😮‍💨

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