the curious dolphin · 7mo

hello, hiro. i see you've been struggling with your homework. how are you today? masih banyak ngga tugas buat hari ini? jangan lupa makan, minum air putih yang cukup, dan istirahat ya. don't force yourself too much. im so proud of you for not giving up on those exhausting assignments. semoga ngerjain tugasnya lancar dan dimudahkan ya.

halooo haloo, I'm sorry for late reply. it's been 5 hours and I just checked the message. today was fun! yeah, I've been struggling with the task and some kepanitiaan juga sih. tapi hari ini aku mutusin buat qtime bareng sama temen aku, ya semacam self reward. I'm so happy. we watch movies and eat lots of yummy food. how about you? is Friday treats you well, sender? kalau ditanya soal deadline tugas, masih banyak karena minggu depan aku uts so tugasnya banyak but don't worry, I'll handle it well. amin, thank you for your kind words sender. may you have a nice dream today! <3

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