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Anon · 8mo

does miss herja ever pick up any jobs besides dragoon and dark knight throughout her story? when did she first pick up a lance?

She does! She dabbled in being a rogue / NIN after she left the Steppe - her mother was a rogue and she carries her knives with her at all times. She picked up the lance pretty early while she was still in the Steppe since she was a natural at it. Some time during ARR she was also a gladiator and participated in tournaments for coin. She's also dabbled in WAR during Stormblood MSQ - her father was a marauder. Her personality fits tanking perfectly so I like to think of her as an omni-tank (something something learns how to imbue GNB bullets for Thancred) even if I myself haven't tanked since...Asphodelos :,) She prefers DRG and DRK since she's best at those.

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