Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Hi, Sia. Long time no see. I hope the breeze keeps you cool on hot days & I hope the wind whispers to you that there are people out there who care about you & want you to be happy (re: please count me in).
Anyway, how's your day lately? Just checking up on you. I just hope life treats you well & if it doesn't, I hope you can treat yourself well. I was initially going to send this message on New Year's, but I changed my mind. In the end, I decided to send it now. Hope you don't mind it.
Of course, I remembered your birthday. Like I said before, you're one of the most adorable people in the world & chatting w/ you is always so much fun. I never thought I'd get to know someone as cool as you. Actually, I think you're the 1st Sagittarius I've ever known.
Never expected I'll get a wishes as well, but thanks for the kind wishes. Hopefully all the good things you're wishing for me will come back to you too, because you totally deserve it.
Tbh, I just found out my zodiac sign is the same as your bias, Felix. I'm shocked & feel honored at the same time, LOL. The more I find out about him, the more I think he's literally an angel.
Talking about The Boyz reminds me of something. If I'm not mistaken, didn't they recently hold an event in Korea? I was laughing so hard when I saw them being all goofy as princess at stage, especially Eric running in heels like a pro. I hope The Boyz continues to shine & gets treated well by their new agency, so you can keep enjoying their music. Maybe someday they'll come here & you can attend their concert again, making more memories w/ The Boyz, & of course, all the other fans.
I'm absolutely happy that you got to attend Stray Kids's concert last December. Finally, you met your bias, Felix. What was your impression when you saw Felix in person? Was he like an angel? I hope their concert becomes one of your most unforgettable memories ever.
Btw, which song made you super happy during the concert? Ah, it's no big deal, Stray Kids is just amazing. I think it's totally fair that I appreciate Stray Kids because they deserve all the love. Especially when I found out how hard 3RACHA worked to create Stray Kids's songs. You must be so proud of them, right? Their hard work really paid off. I hope they'll shine even brighter because they totally deserve it.
When you said your favorite song is Han's solo track, I remembered how people who attended the concert were amazed by Han's performance, & he became their bias wrecker. Were you also stunned by Han's performance? I think the song 'Stray Kids' by Stray Kids is amazing. Thanks for singing along during the concert. It must've been a mix of emotions, especially since the lyrics which told their story from debut 'til now.
If you don't mind, can you recommend your favorite songs from Stray Kids & The Boyz that are so good & make you feel like:
"Every people have to listen to this song because it's really good!"
Maybe I haven't heard the song, & when I start to listenin' the song, I'll love them, & add them to my playlist. I think I'll even remember those songs as Sia's favorite song.
Ngl, I'm gonna miss Retrospring since it's shutting down next month. Actually, I'm kinda sad because I won't be able to chat w/ you anonymously anymore. No offense, it's not that I don't wanna interact w/ you in a private chat, but I think I'm such an avoidant person. So, I think it's better for us to keep it like this because I'm scared you'll be disappointed in me. Other than that, every goodbye is sad, isn't it? So, I feel like... this is the best way for us. I just wanna be remembered as someone who's supportive & rooting for your happiness. Hope you won't think I'm weird or anything.
I'm so sorry I forgot to wish you a happy new year, Sia. That's all for now, & I hope 2025 brings you tons of good news & happiness. I hope all your unfulfilled dreams from last year & new ones come true this year. I hope you'll reply to this before Retrospring shuts down, but if you don't get to, I'll just assume maybe it's our fate. Eventho we won't be able to exchange messages like this anymore, I'll always be rooting for you. Thanks for being born & for replying to my messages on Retrospring all this time. It was great knowing you, Sia.
Apologize for sendin' the long text.
hello again, dearest anon! what a great way to greet me, thank you so much, i really appreciate it (dw i’ll count you in).
well, as always, life has never been 100% great, but i’m so grateful because i feel like i’m surrounded by a lot of good people now. i couldn’t be more thankful for that. i think i’ve been treating myself better than before too, so it’s totally fine. anyway, happy new year to you too! i hope this year brings you a lot of happiness and that you get everything you’ve always wanted.
oh, really?! wow, what an honor! being the first sagittarius you’ve ever known got me giggling. thank God i didn’t give you a bad impression of sags out there lol.
it’s not a big deal. you’re the one who’s always been nice to me, so at least i have to do something, right? but it’s not just because you’re nice to me, i genuinely love giving people well wishes, and you totally deserve them too!
eh??? ain’t no way! so you’re a virgo too? this might be a clue, but my stupid brain can’t really remember people’s zodiac signs sometimes. AAA WHAT A SHAME i could have figured out who you are, but in fact, i didn’t. i’m going to freaking cry now!!!
you’re right! their fan meeting was so amazing and funny! i really didn’t expect them to be princesses like that. oh, Amen. they’ve been through a lot with their old agencies, and i also hope they’ll be treated better. it seems like they are (so far). OMG, i hope so! they promised to come back to Indonesia next time, so i’m going to hold them to their promises.
it was so crazy, you know. finally meeting my ult bias in k-pop was such a blessing!!! i couldn’t help but shake and cry (literally). felix is so angelic, ethereal, stunning, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, beautiful, cute, i don’t even know how many good words to describe him. he’s literally not human! so unreal to see in real life! EYES WIDE OPEN, and even now, i still can’t believe it actually happened.
OMG, all of their songs were amazing! i personally screamed my lungs out to: stray kids, god’s menu, topline, chk chk boom, super bowl, lonely st., social path, and domino. and for the solo stage, i sang hold my hand by han so loudly. when they performed social path and miroh, we all jumped together! oh gosh that was such an amazing experience!!
yessss, 4th-gen leaders, i might say! 3RACHA was such an iconic pioneer, couldn’t be more proud of them, i’m gonna cry. anyway, i think you have to listen to placebo (the 3RACHA version)! it’s my absolute #1 favorite song by them or even by stray kids as a whole! this song also has an ot8 version with the same title. sorry for being overly excited promoting them lol.
like i said, i was really amazed by his performance during hold my hand. but if i had to choose one member as my bias wrecker during the concert, it would be changbin! oh gosh, that man really wrecked me. he’s so cool when you see him in real life. man is BIG. i told you i would sing it for you! i was crying that day. T____T
UMMM, I HAVE A LOT. besides placebo, which i mentioned before, you should listen to streetlight (my username lol, and it’s a solo song by changbin btw), mixtape: oh, the view, fairytale, youtiful (i personally dedicate this song to you, please listen!), star lost, cover me, megaverse, slash, the tortoise and the hare (this one is hilarious), and ARGHH i could literally mention all of their songs, so i’ll stop here. and for the boyz, i think you should listen to bloom bloom, no air, flag (huhu i'm crying), salty, daydream, timeless, nectar, maverick, the stealer, and bite back! personally, i love their older songs because they have such a cheerful vibe.
it’s too bad this app is shutting down, but i understand your decision. still, if you ever change your mind, you can find me on my old X account since i never log out of that one, or on my new telegram: @slvmps. i mean, not gonna lie, it’s kinda sad that i (maybe) won’t get another chance to hear from you. because honestly, i think you deserve to be loved and cared for just as much as you’ve given that to me :(
i might not know who you are (please don’t be mad, my memory is kinda bad), but if i can be honest, i’m so curious like, deadly curious. i might turn into an arwah penasaran if i never get the chance to know who you are. but again, don’t feel overwhelmed by it, i get it, and i respect your decision. but if you ever change your mind, i swear i wouldn’t do anything to harm you if you reached out to me :]
not to be dramatic, but i read this message the day you sent it, like??? what a perfect timing to check retrospring bruh. and i just couldn’t help but cry because it felt so good to receive. TMI: i couldn’t sleep until 2 AM because i kept recalling my memories and wondering who this lovely virgo was OMG I'M SO SORRY :((((((((((((((((((((((
uhm… thank you for these precious several months. thank you for checking on me and sending me such beautiful, heartfelt messages. i don’t know what i did to deserve all of that, but again thank you, thank you, thank you soooooo muuuuuuch! thank you for being such an angel. it’s been so great, and i’m so grateful to have know and met you. i hope the world treats you well, always.
with love,
Hi, Sia. Long time no see. How's your day lately? Just checking up on you. I hope the moon & stars will keep shining prettily in the dark night so you can gaze at the beautiful sky.
It's good to be here again on your b'day. Today’s the day you were born into this world, right?
Happy b'day to the one w/ the most adorable personality. You know who I mean, right? I hope all your wishes come true.
No matter what you're fighting for, I'm sure someday you'll truly get what you want. I know you're strong enough to survive all the tough things that happened in your world, & that’s why I hope you'll believe & love yourself more because you've worked hard. I know it’s not easy, right? But look at you! You're doing great. You've grown up so well.
I hope you don’t give up. If you’re getting tired, it’s okay to take a short break. Self reward is also the best way to respect yourself. I truly hope the best things will happen in your life.
Anyway, thanks for letting me know about everything. I hope you'll remember & keep those memories in your heart. It must be hard to believe you finally got to see Sunwoo w/ your own eyes. That’s why I hope you had a great experience after attending their concert. Last but not least, from the bottom of my heart, I hope this month you can attend SKZ concert because I know you like Felix so damn much. I hope you get even more joy & euphoria from seeing & hearing Felix in person.
Besides that, I really enjoy reading you yapping about Stray Kids. I feel the same way. On the ATE album, they really ate, both in terms of the arrangement, vocals, song, meaning, & performance. I truly enjoy reading your reviews because it shows such excitement & appreciation for Stray Kids.
They're really amazing. You must be so proud to have been w/ them for so long, right? They've grown so much now. As far as I remember, Stray Kids will make another comeback before 2025. I didn’t expect that. I hope you'll love their next album coming out soon.
The song titled Stray Kids is really touching.
"Stray Kids still gonna rock on the Hellevator, yeah, we head to the top."
"Stray Kids, run 'til we're done, do whatever we want, yeah, we don't give a what."
"There ain't no last step out, oh, we'll never stop."
Sia, once again, like I said to you earlier, I hope you don’t give up. I know someday you'll head to the top. You'll make it.
May God bless you. Enjoy your day. I hope you'll have a wonderful day.
Please believe me, I ain't a bad person. I didn’t mean to make you worry when you read my question. I just wanna be your secret admirer & sometimes ask you questions because I know you deserve to be loved & praised. I’m sorry if I scared you or seemed annoying. I really didn’t mean it.
oh hi there! so you’re back again!!! sorry for the late reply.. i just saw your message. i honestly didn’t expect you to remember my birthday, but thank you so much for your thoughtful words and wishes. i truly hope God and the universe grant them all!
i can’t say thank you enough for your kindness in sending such a heartfelt message. it means so much to me that you took the time to write it. may God bless you abundantly for your generosity and thoughtfulness!
if i may share a little story, i was absolutely over the moon when i got to see sunwoo in person. he was beyond cool, and that day felt like the best day of my life. i swear, it was like my soul was shining lol. it was magical. and guess what? i’m meeting felix this saturday?!!! :D OH MY GOD i’m feeling all kinds of emotions—anxious, scared, nervous, but also so excited. it feels like another chance to reignite my spirit and my hope. i’m probably going to cry a lot that day.
and again thank you so much for appreciating stray kids! they’re truly incredible. this comeback has been insane, especially with all the solo tracks. of course, i’m in love with felix’s solo (no surprise there), but han jisung’s is amazing too! and the lyrics you mentioned, they will perform them, and i will sing my heart out for you!!
oh, i hope i’m not overwhelming you with all my excitement and worries.. it’s just that reading your message gave me a spark of motivation and hope—it honestly feels like a sign from God. i've probably read it more than three times already. thank you for being that beacon of light for me, even if i sound a little delusional saying this.
and don’t forget, you deserve all the goodness this world has to offer too! i hope the people around you treat you with love and care, and that your days ahead are filled with happiness. take care of yourself and stay healthy. until next time, whenever that may be. 💛
Hi Sia, how's your day lately? Just checking up on you. I hope the sun sometimes still shines brightly for you & lights up your day!
Actually, you don't need to say sorry. It's okay if you're being dramatic. Don't you think every person has their own way of showing their true self to e/o? Nah, I like the way you're being dramatic over somethin'. That'll be one of my favorite sides of yours.
About what I said earlier, I remember what your idol (re: Stray Kids) has ever said in their song.
"No need to rush, my pace. Don’t compare. It’s alright to go slowly. Go on your own path, my lane. Put down your impatience. Just keep looking forward."
At least you should take a rest for a while when you're overwhelmed. Don't forget to appreciate yourself because every bravest thing that you take needs appreciation.
Ah, tbh I came here because I heard Stray Kids will make a comeback. I hope you'll enjoy their new album. I'm curious about your opinion on their new MV. Mind to share what you feel after watchin' their MV? It'll be an honor for me! But if you think you won't share it, it's okay, you have the right to decline it.
Last, but not least, I hope next week will be better than this week. Don't forget to smile and take a deep breath if you're tired.
Apologize for sendin' the long text.
hello again, anonymous sender! thank you for asking me again. my days lately have been pretty mixed up, i mean yes as usual anyway. but the early weeks gave me a lot of hope and happiness because i'm going to meet my loml, sunwoo! next! month! i was so happy and excited that i didn't get enough sleep for a few days and came down with a fever. but that's a bit resolved now. you know, i'm finally going to meet him and see him in person? it's not just “breathing the same air” but i'm seeing his form in person ARGHHHHH OH GOD i'm definitely going to faint on the spot. but hopefully i won't because i'll be at a loss lmao. oh damn, i'm getting dramatic again. but you said it's an interesting side right? thanks then. not everyone is going to like dramatic people, or maybe their sense of humor is just bad sorry not sorry.
anyway, it's quite surprising that you know the lyrics of that song?! indeed, stray kids does have a lot of songs with amazingly beautiful lyrics. again, thanks for telling me that. i didn't know that i actually needed to hear this from someone else. thanks for being that person. stray kids would also be very happy to have you listen to their song!
regarding their comeback this time as usual i would say they are so cool! regardless of me liking them but i'm sure everyone will agree with me. they really weren't joking with that “ate” album title. they served, ate, and left no crumbs. all the songs on that album are great, but my favorites are stray kids and runners. and the title track chk chk boom is also very cool! the music video is also really cool, i'm at a loss for words other than to say that it's freaking cool, it's awesome. there's deadpool and wolverine in there as cameos as well, it's absolutely genius. this interaction that i've been watching since 3 years ago ended up being fantastic. just lit!!! but unfortunately the song was only 2 minutes?! so i have to play that song at least 10x a day to feel satisfied.
sorry, i tend to yap too much when it comes to stray kids. and by the way they will have a concert here by the end of the year too, please help me pray that i can meet my sunshine, felix! oh yeah i also wish you a great day, may the end of this month bring you much happiness! have a good one. 再见.
I see. Tbh, the lyrics are so meaningful. I think I've started to like it too because it's relatable to us. Idk what you've been through, but I wish someday you'll have a better life & find someone to lean on. Don't force yourself too hard, Sia!
Sometimes it'll be better if we release all of our emotions. Imo, we can't always suppress our sadness/anger because it isn't good for our mental health. Ah, I talk too much. Maybe someday I'll come back to ask you.
I truly hope you'll be happier than you are now, Sia.
💫 Manifesting all the good things to happen in Sia's life. 💫
See you.
hi! apologies for the delayed response. i don't know how to reply to this without feeling like there are tears welling up in my eyes. sorry for being dramatic, you know me. again thank you for your kind words. you must have been having a good day when you typed them. at this point i can't guarantee if i can still say "i'm working on it" to get that good life. the problem is that i have to push myself 1000x to get it. so sorry i can't follow your orders about don't-push-yourself-too-hard T___T
however, you're right about the emotions, because my psychiatrist also said the same thing. so... thank you! anyway, i'll pray for you from here. whoever you are (please give me a clue), i hope your day will always be good, great, fantastic, amazing, full of luck and happiness!
oh yeah, since you said see you, so make sure you come again! i'll try to reply as soon as possible. unless suddenly my parents drag me to mental health ward, maybe the reply will be a little late. cya!
Nah, udah gue reveal kan terus kita bisa temenan lagi lewat mana. Yes, I still study astrology btw. And I won't die this time around.
The last two q(s) that has Siken reference and the one who was looking for you was me actually, the Suguru Geto to your Gojo Satoru.
oh, it's you? lol hi! what's good? tbh i can actually guess that it's you because of the way you type like that (real). am i crazy, or should this be a flex? pft. anyway, it's really nice to talk with you again even though i don't understand why you are looking for me. but it makes me smile to know someone still remembers me. well you know what the crazy thing is i got haunted when i saw my oomf tweeted about astrological things like birth charts, etc. i suddenly remembered you, lmao. but i'm too scared to read my birth charts again. i forgot if i already saved the screenshots about those explanations or not. naurrr this is such an unimportant tmi. but hey suguru, don't die again, okay?
Idk why I remember you whenever Streetlight by Stray Kids appears on my timeline. I tried to hear that song 'cause you seem to like it, Sia. Anw, happy weekend, Sia. I hope the sun will shine brightly for you & light up your day!
OMG really? i hope that song didn't haunt you like that. but it's a great song, isn't it? (pls say yes). anyway, it's not only that i like the song, but it has grown on me. if you look at the lyrics too, believe me, the song was actually written for me. i love that song so much that if i only had a moment left on this earth, i would play that song. lemme say it again I LOVE STREETLIGHT SO DAMN MUCH! can you hear me screaming? yeah that's me sorry. and thank you! you're so precious. i hope you will always surround by happiness too!
I think I won't ever had the gut to let myself being known by you. This longing kind of disgust me, too. (Well, in a good way of course) It is nice to know that you are still alive. So live well, Theresia.
hi? i don't know what to say other than thank you. i'm sure you are also the most precious person i have ever known. i bet you're also a cool person (i only talk to cool people /jk). um.. i think don't deserve to say this when my condition is like this you know, but i'm also happy that you are still alive, whoever you are. may your life be filled with much happiness!
and oh still don't know who you are and i'm getting curious. sending me a message doesn't cost any cents by the way. gn!
Happy Eid al-Adha. I hope you're doing fine, Sia!
May I know where you went to? If you still checking this retrospring out anyway.
hi, dearest sender. apologies for the delay in getting back to you. i'm actually here, you know, in real life? kinda being half-dead zombie lmao. nah sorry, i'm currently only active on my private small account. i might be on and off depending on my crazy depression episodes tbh. if you wanna know where, you can reach me, send men a dm bcs i need to know who you are, kkay? have a great day anyway!
Hi There, how's your day? I hope you're doing fine. Yk, sometimes I miss your random tweets, but it seems you're busy with you real life. Tbvvvh, I kinda miss you. May God bless you, There! 😞
hello, dearest sender. i'm so sorry for the tardy response. i can't say that i'm doing fine lately, but thank you for your kindness in asking me that question. i also feel flattered that you've missed my random tweets, even though they were totally weird and nonsensical. i hope you're doing fine too anyway. don't hesitate to reach me through dm! although i'm not active, i still log into my account, so if there's a notification, i might check it. have a great day and may God bless you too!
It’s been awhile, how’s life treat you lately?
life has its ups and downs, and i'm still here. over the past two weeks, i've noticed positive outcomes in my reading, giving me a glimmer of hope. yet, i can't quite call it a victory because, come nighttime, i close my eyes, secretly wishing not to wake up the next morning. however, each morning brings a fresh wave of pain. it feels like i 'have to' choose coffee as i open my eyes to face the day. perhaps that tiny glimmer of hope is akin to a sprinkle of coffee for me? i'm not sure.
Alaska Young from Looking for Alaska! i feel a lot of similarities with her. i mean we both are sagittarius bitches, such as having a bold nature, a love for adventure, being moody, and being unpredictable (pft). both of us are equally unstable fr. we are also insanely impulsive and happen to share the same temperament type: optimistic-melancholic. even though she's unhinged, she's incredibly cool (i love her sm). she is me, and i am her.
Hi, what song are you currently listening to on repeat?
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