Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

curious caterpillar 🐛 · 5mo

yall don't just "like femguru" yall use misogyny amongst other extremely problematic and patriarchal ideals to justify it LOL. just genderbend him without being fucking weird about it and nobody would have a problem with that. in your dumb thread you ask why is it is okay to happen in other fandoms but not jjk which is the right question to ask but you're too dumb to know the answer. the answer is so obvious and it's crazy how u don't see it 😭 sorry nobody will accept the shit yall say and stand by silently while yall keep doing it. misogyny and homophobia are not cool anymore! sorry!

sending me back-to-back retros to say a bunch of nothing, but i'm the dumb one. okie :3 you wouldn't know what misogyny and homophobia are if they slapped you in the face. lbr all you know is performative activism behind anon and virtue signaling, babe

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