an anonymous shrimpy · 7mo

I do wonder if the lack of mele egg laying (and other freaky things) is due to the lack of cishet men in the fandom, especially considering their tendency to slobber all over any character that remotely resembles a woman. I just know if mele was in g*nshin or something they would have RAN with it. I know women/queer people aren't allergic to sexualising women, but we are no match for their special flavour of degeneracy I fear 😔

that might be part of it! i feel like i haven't seen as much ovi art as i initially expected considering we have all these fish and a big princely lizard. maybe i'm rolling in the wrong spaces, or other fandoms gave me a skewed estimation of how much eggpreg might end up in one male-sexualizing fandom. i've seen a fair amount of discussion about eggpreg, but not about meleanor's.

which is not particularly surprising because people are not coming to the pretty disney boy game for the hot women, but DAMN are we dropping the ball??? there was so much potential for awful painful delicious filth with eliza, too, and last i knew she didn't have a single fic with idia. not even a smidgen of ghostly noncon. which, again, makes sense, but it definitely makes me feel like i've been slacking in my duty as a pervert who just wants to see women happy lmao.

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