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an anonymous shrimpy · 1y

Nun Sebek


i've gone down the sebek priest rabbit hole before because i think it's funny to imagine him in confession with another priest over the damnedest things (stared at the toes on the statue of their holy lord for too long) but nun bekky is BLESSED. i'm contemplating if, in this sort of au, he is looked upon with suspicion by certain folks as a fae attempting to live, essentially, in chaste marriage with god (or whoever you're picking that uses the same practices and aesthetics as irl catholicism). that identity uncertainty and need to prove himself fuels him now as it does in canon. perhaps a need to prove that fae and other magically attuned creatures can also live holy lives? he still sees fae as superior, but he also can't really use his fae predisposition to magic in the monastery. feels perhaps oxymoronic?

he is loud and pious, but no one can call him performative. he's putting his whole crocussy into it and may even aspire to become a cloistered nun who spends all time in prayer and worship. but even if it's his dream, it's not really what he's suited to, since cloistered nuns also spend so much time in silence! he sets aside time to practice, but he's prone to distraction during these periods. a perfect time for demons to come see him.

i kinda like the idea of him (and perhaps also silver) in the same monastery as priest rollo, both/all influenced by visits from the demon malleus. tempting sebek with what he could become alongside malleus. and in my quick googling i found out that some papals lack mirrors (they're distraction), so sebek with a lessened awareness of what he looks like and what is perceived as sexual--having things like his large chest, strong thighs, strong brow, sharp teeth--all complimented, all touched for the first time, by something much older and more powerful than him that still claims to want him close by, to want to see him grow powerful rather than small and silent. he's special! chosen! he is no longer a nun who must silently dedicate herself and never stick out amongst other nuns, he! is! chosen! it's overwhelming, and hard to fight the temptation to go join a demon cult.

i'm sorry, i think this was supposed to be really horny, but i can't get off without a really convoluted narrative. 😭 come back in my box and i will throw you more things and i can make them hornier. build with me, anon! 💚

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