Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

an anonymous shrimpy · 11mo

trey clover cock is so big, it’s embarrassing

i completely agree, but embarrassing for WHOMST? for him if he gets a public boner or for me for fucking drooling over it 24/7/365??? 😂😭

actually i do wanna see him struggling with a public hard-on now. he can't hide it but it just won't! go! down!

i hesitate to give him a lot of length because it feels like blatant favoritism, kind of stereotypical to give big boys big dicks when there isn't really a correlation, and i just don't care about length that much, buuuuttttt sometimes i just can't help myself. 😅 he's always coke can thicc tho. don't skimp on the lube!!!

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