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Angels · 13d

What if.. there's a person who is just going through a nasty heartbreak and feels like they are hard to love? After some time, they start to have a crush on someone new, but they're scared it will be the same as the last one.

I have made one, titled 'You Were Never Hard to Love,' and it was pretty much inspired by your prompts. But, you didn't drop your handle, so I can't tag you in it. However, I hope you like it! :]

Angels · 8d

Are you on tumblr ?

No, I'm only on X. If you see someone reposting my writings there, please let me know. Thank you!

Angels · 9d

Always love your writings. Every time I read them, it makes me wonder how does it feel to be loved by a writer and become the muse of their writings, HAHAHA. Keep on writing, please, and thank you for writing. May the days ahead always treat you kindly. <3

Then you'll be immortalized in their writing, whether it captures happy moments or otherwise. But it was a fun yet thrilling experience, right? I sometimes wonder how that feels as well. Thank you, anyway! I hope life treats you sweetly, always.

Angels · 9d

Hai, saya salah satu pengikutmu yang jatuh hati dengan tulisanmun. Saya ingin sampaikan terima kasih karena sudah warnai linimasa saya dengan tulisan-tulisan indahmu. Ah, sekaligus meminta izin apakah boleh jika saya jadikan tulisanmu sebagai referensi saya menulis cerita tentang pasangan kesukaan? Tentunya tak akan lupa memberi kredit pada karyamu.

Halo. Terima kasih atas pujiannya, terima kasih juga sudah bersedia membaca tulisan-tulisanku. Izin diberikan, ya! Silakan pakai untuk referensi sesuka hati. 😉

Angels · 10d

hello can you make a poem inspired by the movie “how to make millions before grandma dies” please?

I have written one before, try to delve into my writing and you will find it. It's a short narration, but it was inspired by that movie.

Angels · 12d

I hope that tears bring you comfort and ease your heart from the burden you have long carried. I'm not an expert on love, but one thing I can say is that to be loved is to be seen. If you've tried everything and he still can't see you, then you're just wasting your time. You are not hard to love; you just haven't realized that someone out there is looking at you, but perhaps you were blinded by unrequited love. So, dear, try to look around and find someone who is worth fighting for.

Angels · 12d

halo miles, terimakasih yaa sudah buat tulisan secantik itu. tulisan kamu cantik banget please please (aku suka banget demi apapun) semangat nulisnya yaa, have a good life! be happy miles <3

You just melted the ice in my heart with your warm words, and I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you! I hope someone like you who always shares kindness with others, will be kissed by the world with its happiness.

Angels · 15d

Hi !!! First off, you write so beautifully 🎀. I hope you keep on loving writing. Second, what app do you use editing your posts?

You must be some kind of dessert, because I can taste sweetness all over your words. Thank you, I hope so, since writing is one of the ways to ease my mind. I'm using Ms Words on mobile! 🙌🏻

Angels · 15d

How has your day been?

Another more than a week late answer, I apologize huhu. Today wasn’t really good for me, but, at least I had a bunch of delicious food. I hope everyone around me (including you) had a wonderful day. :]

Angels · 15d

miless haloow, im one of your kind of new followers hihi aku cuma mau bilang TULISANMU ITU INDAH dan rasanya bernyawaa aku naksir bangett, im kind of shy to say this but i (finally) wanna start do writing bcs of youu nanti kita temenan yaa kalau tulisanku sudah ga amatirrr sksksk

Hello, little angel. I apologize for responding more than a week late, but I feel honored to read your sweet praise and to know that my piece inspired you to start writing again. Rather than waiting until you feel good enough with your writing, I'd love to be your writing buddy and accompany you on your journey. Please reach out to me, I'll be waiting! :D

Angels · 16d

hiiii im a new follower!!!! just wanna say that your writings are soooo beautiful and well-written that i can feel your emotions flow through every word you write and it makes me feel connected to you even though we're distances apart :) your writing also makes me want to try it out too!! so if i may ask, whats the application that youre using??? thank you and have a great daayyy

Hello, welcome to my page. It's heartening to read your message, thank you for saying so. I hope I can always convey the emotions in my writing to those who read it. Please do! Writing is fun and enjoyable. I use Microsoft Word on mobile with Times New Roman as the font. 😉

Angels · 18d

Miles, I think I’m a bit lost here to socialize with fellow writers. Cari mutual sesama writing account tuh, di mana dan gimana ya? Thank you for answering. ;)

I actually don't have any specific tips for this. Sometimes, I stumble upon someone's writing on my timeline, stalk them, and ask to be friends through private messages. Other times, when my mutuals share the FCV of their writer friends, I leave a comment beneath it. There are many ways to make friends with fellow writers, you just need to explore! ;]

Angels · 20d

Halo, Miles! Makasih ya udah nulis secantik itu, tiap tulisan kamu lewat tl-ku selalu aku bookmark biar bisa kubaca berulang-ulang. Semangat nulisnya ya, semoga tiap kamu nulis kamu juga dapet kebahagiaan dari sana. <3

Terima kasih juga sudah membaca, ya! Semoga tulisan-tulisanku bisa menorehkan senyum yang merekah setiap kamu baca ulang. Aku harap kebahagiaan menyertai kamu selalu! :D

Angels · 20d

hi, miles! apakah kamu open comission untuk tulisan-tulisan cantiknya...?

Unfortunately, no. I'm writing for fun here and don't have any intention of making money from my work. I just want to pour my thoughts into words to help ease my mind. However, I am planning to open requests for prompts to celebrate four months of my journey here (I'll share the details about it later). 😉

Angels · 21d

i know you've heard this a lot, but you're incredibly talented & i want to thank you for your pieces as they say everything i wish the one i love knew. in a way, i suppose it makes me feel seen, and it's nice to be able to read what i want to say, and admittedly what i wish he'd say to me, on 'paper'.

Little angel, my ears will never tire of hearing thousands of heartwarming messages from my loved ones. I, too, am thankful because you’ve spent your time reading my pieces. I hope you’ll always keep in mind that you deserve to be seen when you love someone. May happiness always surround you and your special one. <3

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