Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Angels · 6mo

IKR, it's soOooo random, i ALSO dunno why this dream came to me but..
I dreamed twice that you had a bf/gf T____T

OH, KAK MIYES, sometimes i've been wondering that, It seems a bit impossible if you didn't have a bf/gf, but if it (really) doesn't any one, that means I still have a chance, HAHAHAHAHA (maaf)

Dreaming about me twice, perhaps it's a sign or just your heart trying to sneak into your dreams? Haha. Honestly, it's so endearing that you'd even think about that. Whether there is someone or not, hearing that "you still have a chance" made me smile— what a charming thing to say. No need to apologize for that! You are bold, and I admire that. :)

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