Angels · 14d

Halo, Mil! Terima kasih banyak sudah buat tulisan yang cantik-cantik. Aku udah lama gak pernah nangis, tapi, baca tulisanmu aku berhasil nangis lagi.

I'm in love with a person. He's as bright as a Sun. He took care of everyone. Everyone loves him. I know very well, he really is a good person. The thing is, I'm one of the "everyone". He's good to me, but I know everything he did to me weren't special. He never looked at me as a woman, as someone he loves.

I've tried my best. I texted him first, try to keep the conversation. I want to know him better. But, he's getting out of my grips and his scents remains inside my heart.

Maybe, I'm just hard to love.

Miles, I hope you're happy.

I hope that tears bring you comfort and ease your heart from the burden you have long carried. I'm not an expert on love, but one thing I can say is that to be loved is to be seen. If you've tried everything and he still can't see you, then you're just wasting your time. You are not hard to love; you just haven't realized that someone out there is looking at you, but perhaps you were blinded by unrequited love. So, dear, try to look around and find someone who is worth fighting for.

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