Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

whisperer · 27d

I just wanted to say I love your account and the way you write, it truly reads like poetry to me. In fact I'd love to see more of your haikaveh poems if you ever feel like writing them :) I hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Your account brings me a lot of comfort so I wish you all good things the upcoming new year

you all are so so kind. :c honestly, it does make me slightly emotional to know there are people who truly check & think of what i share for this ship. i keep finding myself unable to express my thankfulness fully but i truly hope that every each of you who shares the same sentiment also realises that without you, there wouldn’t be me either. i love sharing my writing for myself yet to waltz through any dance you need a helping hand. the fact you choose to give that love to me, support me & sacrifice your precious time to do so is beyond my own comprehension. thank you for everything.

that little poem i once made was a direct paraphrase of rita dove’s, so as a reminder i recommend each of you to see it as well & read it! <3 poem writing is… more complicated for sure, so i have more doubts towards sharing them online but i’ll keep your request in mind!!!

i also wish you a happy holiday season. may the new year be the kindest to you!

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