Ψ · 18 answers · 2mo

Happy 100 followers to me!
Do you dislike people spamming all-asks? Is it entertaining or annoying?

It's entertaining for me. One thing I dislike is when someone on tiktok or instagram spam me with their like just to get a follow.

I dislike anyone who doesn't ask questions. I usually unfollow them if they just spam my inbox with useless stuff.

Depends , sometimes it gets really annoying but most of the time i ignore most of it and respond to what i want to :p I just mute people when its too much

woop woop! I honestly don't care much about all asks, I'll respond if I have something to say and I'll delete it if i don't. It doesn't bother me

I don't mind it unless it's a constant thing ( as in multiple asks in the span of a few minutes ) but if it's a couple a day then I don't really care. I'll answer them if they're interesting to me and if not then I ignore them.

it's pretty annoying, but i don't really have any particular issue with it.

and congrats on 100!

mostly annoying tbh, but also manageable, i can just delete questions

and i hate the response that says "get a twitter" because twitter is one of the few places with an even worse community

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