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A Mysterious Person · 6mo

"stop having such strong opinions about being gay" why should we? yang salah disini kan elo dan kaum kaum lgbt lu itu. kok disuruh menormalisasikan hal yang gabener sih, gimana deh? wkwkwk lucu lu. apa mungkin krn followers lu atau temen temen lu di CA isinya lgbt semua ya, jadinya merasa kalo lgbt udah sesuatu yang normal?

Again and again, I’m telling you I type "I wish" in my tweets. Did you read it carefully? Gue nggak bilang harus menormalisasikan. I don’t force anyone to change their beliefs. Gue juga tau diri hidup di negara yang tabu sama LGBT, so I’m not open about it. You don’t get my point, don’t you?

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