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A Mysterious Person · 6mo

"stop having such strong opinions about being gay" why should we? yang salah disini kan elo dan kaum kaum lgbt lu itu. kok disuruh menormalisasikan hal yang gabener sih, gimana deh? wkwkwk lucu lu. apa mungkin krn followers lu atau temen temen lu di CA isinya lgbt semua ya, jadinya merasa kalo lgbt udah sesuatu yang normal?

Again and again, I’m telling you I type "I wish" in my tweets. Did you read it carefully? Gue nggak bilang harus menormalisasikan. I don’t force anyone to change their beliefs. Gue juga tau diri hidup di negara yang tabu sama LGBT, so I’m not open about it. You don’t get my point, don’t you?

A Mysterious Person · 6mo

"I wish I don’t have to hide myself just because some people have such a visceral reaction to homosexuality in general" well you HAVE to hide yourself ofc??? be fucking for real wkwkwkwk. kalo emang gamau hide diri lu for being gay, ya pindah negara aja sana. byk banget negara yg mengizinkan toh? this is indonesia yg negaranya berdasarkan agama

Bisa baca yang bener nggak? Gue nggak merasa LGBT oke di lingkungan gue makanya gue bilang I wish, bukan should? Itu cuma harapan gue dan gue nggak mengharuskan?

Shevienne. 𖹭 · 3 answers · 6mo

Hi gusy ^____^ apakah ada saran what food should i get for lunch and dinner? Kalian juga udah mam belum?

Lunch mungkin enaknya jam segini makan bakso deh, Shevi. Atau yang berkuah terus pedes kalau kamu suka. Kalau buat dinner mungkin martabak telur? Belum nih kebetulan.

Hell. · 6mo

Hi Finn!

Hi, El El. Kalau nggak ada namanya tapi tetep pakai Krystal udah ketauan sih ini kamu.

A Mysterious Person · 7mo

hai.. i'm not really sure if i'm guessing it right, but are you kak nata? kalo iya, idk if you still remember me or not but your tweet passed on my tl kemarin (yang fr) i've been looking for you... i'm Rai, but you gave me the nickname Rain back then!! kita ketemu di fa thai dulu

Oh my God. Right. You’re right. I’m Nata. I never imagined someone would recognize me after all this time. It feels like ages ago. Of course, I still remember you. I miss you. :( How have you been, Rain? Slide into my DM, please? I’ll be eagerly waiting to catch up with you.

A Mysterious Person · 10mo

I've been wondering, have u set ur eyes on someone yet?

Hmm. Why are you wondering about this? I do set my eyes on someone, her name is Natty. Bercanda. I'll just keep it to myself. Hopefully this answer, ya.

𝜗𝜚 “ Jenivey. · 10mo

Hello Avelio, heretofore I saw your existence on my timeline. I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to follow you, and here I am. Hence would you like to be my mutuals/pals? If you don’t mind. Thank you!

Hi there, Yumi. Sure, I wouldn't mind having you as a pals of mine. Thanks for reaching out! :)

A Mysterious Person · 10mo

Kangen, semoga baik-baik terus.

Mau nebak siapa, tapi takut salah orang. Aamiin, semoga kamu juga baik-baik terus yaa. Sini ngobrol.

A Mysterious Person · 1y

Avel, do you set your eyes on someone? I adore you .. a lot. If this too much you don't have to answer it

Ah, hey. Thank you, I guess? The answer is no, I don’t set my eyes on someone. Nggak too much, santai aja.

A Mysterious Person · 1y

What is the worst thing about your favourite movie?

Inception. The one thing that I find the worst about this movie is that it doesn’t have a clear-cut and satisfying resolution. It ends in this ambiguous and open-ended way, which leaves me wanting more and questioning what happened to the characters after the final scene. Well, I know many people enjoy open-ended or ambiguous endings, as it allows them to use their own creativity and imagination to fill in the blanks and create the ending they would like to see. However, for me personally, I prefer movies that have clear resolutions and endings.

A Mysterious Person · 1y

Are you afraid of going outside at night?

Yes, indeed. I fear the darkness and the unknown that lurks within its depths. And I’m afraid of the potential danger that could come from being outside alone at night. Who doesn’t anyway?

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