Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

𝔽𝕒π•₯𝕙𝕖𝕣 ˳ಎ Β· 11mo

🌹🐍 ? (⁠.⁠ β β›β  β α΄—⁠ β β›β .⁠)

HII thank you for the flower!!!🌹it smells wonderful>:3 AND THE SNAKE. woah. it was hiding. 🐍

I AM FEELING SWEATY. i have ripped off my jacket (probably why i feel that way) and i will scrub and be squeaky clean about this the moment those of my household are awake. god bless:<

and i haven't drawn much recently honestly, but besides some doodle ship stuff, i drew two of my characters hunter and yumika together because they're my only characters with dot-eyes!

thank you so much for asking!!! i appreciate everybody's questions very much, ueueu<3<3

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