Eleadzar Karya Maharumi · 17 answers · 21d

Your thoughts on Maharumi, please?

It is fun seeing you around, though I feel like at some other time you are quiet aloof.

That one outgoing guy yang nggak segan buat nimbrung, nyapa, ngobrol sama semua orang. TS terus sama Trio Teletubbies.

I know him last in trio telettubies and I thought that he is hard to approach as he has many friends around him where actually he tries hard to interact with new people and I really appreciate it. Maharumi is a warm person, we rarely talk but I know that you are so kind with your circles.

I think Kak Rumi is a cold looking guy but deep down, you’re that nice-warm person. We haven’t talk a lot but I think we should do!!

A friendly and charming guy. You’re somehow cool yet you got your funny side as well. You might look like you’re hard to approach at first, but you’re a pretty chill person!

I guess we should talk and get to know each other more so I can tell you more :)

Maharumi is such a sweet person, You're always there to keep the conversation going and make sure I never feel alone. 🖤

Kakak Rumi, you’re really kind! A very cold looking guy with a really warm attitude.

Mas Rumi is a sweet guy, not that hard to approach! He is also kind, have so many friends, cute, and also funny although sometimes he's so annoying! But I am glad that I have him around since he's a keeper!

Maharumi is nice and soft boy, you listen to people and the response is always nice. I’m glad being your friend and having you around me. Misses the moments with you and another friends ( in GDM ) being dumb. Oh, I missing talking with you, Rumi!

he's such a friendly yet wise man, I guess? sometimes you can be a sweet man and the other times you can be a hilarious man. but over all, it's such a good time to be your friend!

Talking to you this much had never crossed my mind. You and I completely look like different polars. Turns out, you are now one of my number one comfort persons. I laugh, smile, whine, and rant with you. You (indirectly) push me to crawl out of my snail shell and talk to more people out there. A little token of appreciation, thank you, Maharumi. 😊

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