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Eliara Fletchling
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Curious Bird · 1y

What is a headcanon you have about the abilities of your characters that is not or can not be implemented in game?

Generally, seamless transitions between weapons/jobs a la Derplander during the Shadowbringers trailer.

Eliara’s style leans more rogue when on NIN, and her RPR abilities are somewhat overhauled, using the tank braincell as her reaper avatar as opposed to a voidsent.

Bryre’s actual job in the party is a chemist, but it’s translated as SGE in-game.

Odgerel’s summoning abilities is a bit dubious atm, so her knowledge remains at least in the arcanima realm of the in-game jobs.

Hikishi only knows how to fight in self defense, so hand-to-hand combat is very rudimentary compared to what’s shown in-game.

Curious Bird · 10mo

How much mountain dew could the gang chug.

Collectively, a fair amount, but that's only due to both Bryre and R'keshi doing drinking contests with them, with Bryre outdewing R'keshi out of pride for his adoptive countrymen.

Eliara likes the Baja Blast freezes and would sometimes buy some as part of a summer treat.

Hikishi claims to dislike them on principle, but even she's not immune to the Baja Blast and sneaks some in on very rare occasions

Odgerel likes to try the different flavors, both to drink and to see what uses the goblins can have because she's almost sure that they're great additives to their machines.

Curious Bird · 1y

Lets get in the dawntrsil spirit. What's the gangs favourite vacation spots

Eliara has a soft spot for Costa del Sol, or any type of beachy areas where she can enjoy the seaside.

Bryre is the type that likes weekend getaways, being able to find the gems within his home of Thavnair whenever he has time off of work.

Odgerel is more of a homebody, so anywhere that has an inn or a hotel room in a city would work best for her.

Hikishi likes places where there's springs to bathe in, with Kugane being the most obvious answer. She also enjoys large cities to explore and get lost in.

Curious Bird · 1y

no question, just wanted to say eli is so cool

insert that one gif of an axolotl screm



Curious Bird · 1y

How do you characters react to potential suitors asking them out?

Depending on the exact suitor, Eliara would either politely decline or give a sort of chance by means of a date or any other way if spending time together. She’s not one to dive into a serious relationship immediately.

Bryre would be flattered and consider his options on whether the suitor would be a decent fit for him.

Odgerel finds herself flustered and unsure on how to respond. She’ll go along with having dates and just hope for the best.

Hikishi immediately declines and tells them that liking her is a mistake. Can’t have heartache and get betrayed if they don’t court her to begin with, right?

Curious Bird · 1y

What was Eli's first time using a bow like?

She sure didn't think wielding a bow would require /that/ many muscles, and yet there she was, on the floor and feeling super noodly and sore by the end of her first lessons.

Still, she found it satisfying whenever she's able to land her shot. So she kept at it until it became her weapon of choice upon becoming an adventurer.

Curious Bird · 1y

What's her favorite snack on the go? Does it differ from her fav snack at home?

Eliara enjoys jerkied meats, particularly beef or venison! It only differs in that she prefers snacking with stuff she can hold in one hand. She prefers efficiency when it comes to traveling.

Curious Bird · 1y

If your characters where based in other FF games, Which would they be and why?

Disclaimer: I haven't played any of the other FFs in the capacity that I have with XIV, so I'm just going off of vibes and what I've seen from friends playing it. That being said—

Eliara is primarily 8 with some influences from X-2 and XIII. There's also doses of Advent Children there, if we so happen to want to include other media. ...It was some weird formative years between me and the FF franchise...

Odgerel seems to match well with IX and X.

Bryre seems to have 12 and Tactics going on.

Curious Bird · 2y

What's your favorite treat to get?

Boba 🫣 all kinds of it whether it’s regular black milk tea or a peach oolong cheese foam. I enjoy just having sweetened tea to get through the days.

Curious Bird · 2y

How many of your characters have committed tax fraud thus far?

Two by technicality. Eliara can’t exactly file a good portion of her taxes if Eliara Roselle is considered dead by the city of Gridania. Odgerel doesn’t have any concept of taxes, and I’d even imagine Idyllshire is a tax-free community, or at least it’s not the standard. (Rowena would most likely try, though.)

Curious Bird · 2y

What are some symbols/patterns you associate with your different characters?

Eliara: Sun, bird, flower (roses), arrow, music notes.
Bryre: Moon, rabbit, ivy, silk.
Odgerel: Stars, water, brass, lilies.

Curious Bird · 2y

Is there anything you would like to schedule with friends anytime soon?

Currently, it's continuing with ongoing RPs that I have. Otherwise... Eliara's nameday is coming up in a couple weeks, but depending on general interest + me having the spoons to set something up in the first place, it might just be a more quieter affair like last time.

Curious Bird · 2y

How good are your characters at piloting Warmachina? Are they naturals? A mess? Are they composed or do they just panic?

Eliara wouldn't know the specifics, but she can sort of understand enough to make sure something is running as it theoretically should.

Odgerel is likely more of a natural. She doesn't claim to know much, but having grown around her tinkerer of a brother and having worked alongside the Goblins of Idyllshire as of late means that she's able to pilot certain things fine.

Bryre does the whole "I'M AN ALCHEMIST, NOT AN ENGINEER" at the thought of touching anything machina, war or otherwise.

Curious Bird · 2y

Who's Eli's favourite sparring partner?

In her WoL canon, it would be Estinien. Both of them seem to be the type to be happily going at it like kittens playfighting.

In her RP canon, it’s a certain mercenary of whom she has already done epic battles with squeaky hammers with. Needless to say, she’s more than happy to duke it out with him at any given time.

Curious Bird · 2y

What's something you're looking forward to?

Being out of a mental fog, tbh. But I know this rodeo well enough that I’ll bounce back so long as I take one day at a time.

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