Anonymous · 2y

Hi! Since u commission pretty often I wanted to ask an opinion... if I commissioned an artist five months ago and they never replied to my dms past the ones about payment, and seem to have gone off twitter since about four months, should I hust ask p/paypal for a refund...? I've tried to contact the artist like once a month but they seem to be mia and I don't want to ask for money they might be needing rn but also... I'm a bit worried y'know. Sorry for the question but what would u do? x.x

hey!! don't apologize! I'm happy to answer questions like this since I've been through the comm wringer before lol. In this case I would file that chargeback with Paypal TODAY because it sounds like you're not going to be able to do so for much longer. There's really only 2 results in the kind of scenario you're describing. The artist is either gonna see the chargeback and panic and respond to you immediately (but please be wary if they try to push it off for longer because they might just disappear again!) OR they will not respond at all and you'll get your money back and never know where tf the artist went. LOL when it's been 4-5+ months with no contact and no visible social media presence, you just have to cut your losses and protect yourself - it sounds like you've done your due diligence in making sure the artist is aware you're waiting for an update so I wouldn't feel guilty in this situation. I hope that helps! pls feel free to ask more!

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