Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious soul · 2mo

If someone claim that you're very precious for them and you've given them all everything, but they aren't willing to take risk to develop your relationship. Do you think they truly mean their words? Or it's just some lies they told you to make you stay with them?

This.. this is heavy.

Coming from someone who's been in both positions... Yes, it can be true that they're not ready. Since tbh, until now I don't feel really ready and need that one connection first to make sure I'm ready.

The one knowing that person is you. Are they the type that would gaslight or cover the truth? If unlikely, then it's probably true.

But again, even if it's true, you have the power to decide to stay or go. One-sided effort could suck, and remember to prioritize yourself first above everything. Your feelings and wants are valid, perhaps they're just not the one for you.

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