Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious soul · 2mo

Jahat gak ya ghosting orang yang gak apresiasi kita dan baru menyadari kesalahan dia cuma pas kita udah ngomong mau cut off dia, Mom? Aku udah capek mau ngebalesin dia, padahal aku juga sudah kasih saran untuk dia di masa depan.

Hmmm for this. How many times did this happen in the past? Like they realizing and trying to keep you after you wanted to cut ties. If it's already more than once, then no, not 'jahat'.

But if this is the first time, perhaps a bit explanation can be better. Whether they accept the explanation or not, it's on them, but you already gave the closure to that.

Just remember to do things on your pace okay! <3

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