Flamy · 1y

aaaaa i wanted to like, ask a question, but a topic could not come to mind, so instead i will tell you that i am fine with any topic (oh god i hope this isn't late)

no this is enough because i can actually start talking about something thats been on my mind. i am of course thinking about bird things. theres so many important parts of lazosis but i think one of the best parts of their dynamic is like, lazuli will just crawl on top of him just to make sure they're above him when they kiss him. like. its very uncommon that he's the one bending down on his own. since theyre so closed doors for showing affection to each other its not like they have any reason to worry about people catching them doing this. but like, lazuli has just sat on their desk to make it easier to kiss him while they're in their office together.

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