8 Ball Fluid Man · 8mo

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I don't talk about my ocverse ever but i need to take this moment to talk about Morel. He has not actually slept in a bed for like 5 years, since of his living situation he has slept exclusively on a cot since there isnt enough room. this is self imposed. he could live in a normal room but he doesnt think he deserves it. sopping wet honse hates himself so much. eventually he gets talked into moving into the side room (because.... they kinda need the closet for storage...) and he actually invites people over because they can be somewhere private since he doesnt want to be harassed by Basil since he is a NIGHTMARE. the true living expense living there is putting up with what he has to go through, not food or whatever. i dont think he ever moves out though just because it's such a safe place to be and also still feels too guilty to ask for his mom to take him back but because of his mental health can't work a "proper job" and kinda just needs a little extra support and even though they weren't previously close to each other Basil took him in without question after his failed suicide attempt because he couldn't bring himself to finally face his mom again because for all she knows he died. i need to get him ssris.

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