stonemilker · 1y

top 3 fluffiest mallesil headcanons <3

omg...why is this so hard....

  1. Carrying. I want nrc students to be seeing Mal carrying Silver around on a daily basis. princess carry, obviously...Mal has like a silver-sense and always seems to know when he's sleeping somewhere. Instead of waking Silver he'll pick him up and carry him back to diasomnia, often to mal's bed ;) the first few times getting picked up would wake silver but after a while he's completely used to it. Maybe his eyes flutter awake and he offers Mal a sleepy little smile before immediately passing back out. I imagine when sebek finds him he always goes for the sack of potatoes carry, so this is a lot more romantic

  2. In my mind, mal is just as obsessed with silver's fairy gala fit as I am. He saw silver dressed in all white, those flowers braided into his hair with that delicate makeup and fell in love all over again. After that he'll take any opportunity to offer Silver flowers (always with very intentional meanings because mal can't do anything halfway), usually to tuck into his hair, silver keeps every one and uses magic to make them live longer...
    on the note of white and flowers i have a bit of an arranged marriage wip happening and i thought a lot about the actual wedding...even though everything else would be dark shades of black and green and purple silver would be in allll white and he's just the prettiest thing malleus has ever seen, he looks like a real fairy or even an angel!!

  3. I think Silver loves grooming mal. Combing his hair, cleaning him in the bath, filing his nails, fixing his makeup, everything like that. he absolutely does not give himself the same effort (Silver is the most low-effort beauty, its the princess genes). Even though mal says he doesn't have to, silver loves it so much, its his personal little duty.
    Silver get so awkward when Mal reciprocates though, he can't handle malleus doing things for HIM, it gets him so embarrassed that his prince is stooping to washing a human's hair...which makes mal want to do it more! they would be so gross in the bath together, just mal lovingly lathering soap into silvers back or Silver combing conditioner and scented oils through mal's hair until its perfectly shiny and smooth...god...

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