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un petit oiseau · 6mo

this isn’t an important ask. However…. Lulu…. (Gives u kiss

un petit oiseau · 8mo

your thoughts on rsa!silver? 👀 i can imagine mallesil meeting in the woods just like aurora and phillip HhHHHH

un petit oiseau · 1y

MalSil trying to get into degradation. Sil being so BAD at it: Sil (confused slight monotone) Your…your hair is less shiny??” Mal: Dear….( still very endeared)
Fluff aside. What if Mal tackles it like, pretends to be a monster that Sil has to defeat for the generational trauma + knife kink too and is a bit more dragon-like for the role play. What if in a dream to make it even more convincing. Sil looking so fierce and knightly ( taking on a beast in every sense of the word XD)

un petit oiseau · 1y

Divine comedy was very creative! Please that guest was jealous. :/// I read it like bed time story at times! (Idk why but I get comfortable)

un petit oiseau · 12mo

You heard of the twst rarepair summer event? 👀

I HAVE!!! But I’m on writing hiatus (not because I want to but because I cannot write atm) so I will have to gracefully sit this one out :,) the prompts are super cute and I can’t wait to see what everybody writes

un petit oiseau · 1y

silver crossdressing as a woman for the sake of missions is just chef's kiss

un petit oiseau · 1y

Opinions on Silver with a navel piercing? I think it would be kinda erotic because he seems like the type not to have any piercings so it’s like surprise! Also I think he’d weirdly make it look elegant?? Silver is the type to make anything look very pretty tbh

I love It it’s so sexy. Lilia pierced him. Anybody uncovering him would be like :O wayyyyy surprised. Pleasantly surprised, however…!!! It’s so dirty. Raunchy. Slutty. On silver it’s very much expensive diamonds he makes everything look OPULENT but in a simple charming way. I want him to have pretty little discrete jewels like on his ring. Evokes the regality of his bloodline is a slutty but classy way. But. Have you considered nipple piercings……../…………….yeah

un petit oiseau · 1y

God 40-50 year old Silver. Dilf. DILF. Briar Valley also going ga-ga because age and aging is so rare and cherished. (Malleus married to one of the thirst for dilfs in the Valley ) Silver being a dandy man that causally flirts…There’s just a certain level of comfort/ease that comes with that age. Thank you I will never get over this. NEVER

un petit oiseau · 1y

Head in hands Great Seven game of thrones with bakers and dentists…Okay okay Trey being in denial, but getting turned on more when Sebek calls him ‘cousin’ or big brother/nii-chan’ ( God why am I making this brocon too?). Sebek feeling like he doesn’t belong anywhere, but Papa Clover makes him feel like he does…Trey feeling like an outcast in Briar Valley internship, but SebePapa is so warm/welcoming. Both feeling so confused….

un petit oiseau · 1y

I love soap operas. So imagine Sebe dad, the gentlest person Sebe’s ever known, and he’s the Clover family’s outcast/rebel!! He dreamt of being a dentist which the baker family could not accept!! So he moved to Briar valley. Trey being so conflicted when he sees the similarities between Sebe dad and himself…How he might follow a similar path…

un petit oiseau · 1y

For the Twitter ‘what scene do you think with this writer”- I think of your lesbian MalSil and Silver thinking of how many natural disasters she prevented. And Mal-Mal in those black panties and nightgown. Also God I’m so sorry your writing is so good and quality, and the scene that hits me when I see you on my tl is sexy Mal black panties description.

You’re so real for being like. Such a fan of that work in particular LOL last i checked it had 10 kudos🫡 but if just one person appreciates it then I’m happy!!! thank you! silver really is doing gods work when she goes down on an angry mal

(friend compared the style of that fic in particular to anaïs nin’s erotica and that made me cry forever I ran with it)

un petit oiseau · 1y

Who in twst do you see with a happy trail and pierced belly button? ( It’s a hot combo. Trust me)

un petit oiseau · 1y

Papa Clover comes over (that’s not the only thing coming xbfhfghfg) for parent teacher conference and Sebek has a meltdown. Sebek has a DILF fetish everyone but him knows about. ( Lilia with the Daddy jokes. Sebek is blushy + speechless) Even SILVER knows. Trey knows….Papa Clover is so sweet and even hugs Sebek with his muscular, slightly chubby, hairy arms, when he learns he’s dating his son. Sebek has too many fantasies about him that night//

un petit oiseau · 1y

IdiaSil-But Idia asks Silver to cosplay both his favs and hentai…
Ortho to Silver wearing a cat girl sailor uniform: First time?
Silver doesn’t mind…He doesn’t get how or why it’s attractive. Sometimes. But his bf is happy so it doesn’t matter. Imagine he has a hard drive of Silver pics andvDiasmonia students who thirst for Sil ( but of course do not try to be close to him) pay for Idia’s photos. Sebek is ashamed but Sil in a crocodile theme mini skirt and high boots was too powerful.

un petit oiseau · 1y

MalSil kind of have resting pouting faces that has a slight Resting B*tch face under tone. Couple goals.

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