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Anonymous Coward · 1y

Do you set your eyes on someone lately?

Killian · 1y

Pengalaman berorganisasi km selama di sekolah?

Dulu mah anti organisasi kalo waktunya pulang ya pulang atau main sama temen 😂😭🤣

Jonathan · 7 answers · 1y

Kapan tau saatnya kita maju dan saatnya kita mundur pas lagi pdkt?

Kalo udah saling kode alangkah baiknya maju tapi kalo kelamaan sampe harus ditanya "what are we?" dikasih jawaban abu abu mundur terus aja

Killian · 1y

Jujur udah makan ayam geprek berapa puluh kali bulan ini?

Killian · 1y

Udah minum es coklat belum minggu ini?

Killian · 1y

Mau gak kenalan sama monyet?

Katie · 11 answers · 1y

Have you been kind to yourself these days? I hope you’re doing okay.

That's very sweet of you to ask such question. I've been trying, I hope the same goes to you.

Katie · 8 answers · 1y

Let’s say you’re not exactly enjoying your day, but upon hearing these words, it reminded you that life isn’t all that bad. What is that phrase that is guaranteed to give you comfort, or at least help to make you feel a little better?

Killian · 1y

Sudah marah marah berapa kali hari ini?

Jonathan · 8 answers · 1y

Konsep CA apa yang bikin kalian pengen join?

Yang paling pertama diliat pasti desain gak sih? Konsep juga tapi kadang ada yang zonk konsepnya bagus tapi pas mulai berjalan malah melenceng kemana mana

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