Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 5mo

Hi! Thank u for the last update. It made me so so happy. I had to pause from reading FoF after The Bad Thing happened to Mnho because I was so gutted I couldn't stop crying for days. Which is just a testament to how good of a writer you are. I decided to pick it back up again a few days ago, and I've finally caught up, and the timing of the last update couldn't have been better. Thank you, thank you.

Ahhh~ thank you, and you’re very welcome!! 😊
We’re finally entering the final arc of the story, and it’ll definitely be filled with considerably more hope and good things than the rest of the story so far (even if it will be featuring the bulk of the actual war storyline 😅).

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