Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 8mo

Hi! What is it that makes you like the music/ artists you listen too? What element of their music stands out the most to you? <3

their lyrics most definitely! the melody has to caught me although I'm not picky about that one, but to truly love music i need to like its lyrics, either love them, find them funny, witty, interesting; sometimes a whole song engraves in me just because of a verse, but a single verse can be so worth it.
Growing up this aspect used to be possible only in lyrics i could relate to, wanted to feel not-alone through music, thankfully i have learned that art is not a mirror and that a conversation can be better than a song if I'm feeling lonely (although it hasn't stopped giving me company). Now i seek to feel things that move me forward, that teach me and reach me and make me feel connected to humanity, be it by sillyness or straight up by a poem turned song.
( i still love songs without lyrics though, sometimes the instruments are the ones who talk don't you think? look, i love what this one says )

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