Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more
With retrospring shutting down, what platform are you moving to ? Neospring !?
hii! can i get book recs & also poetry book recs & articles to read too!
Heyyyyy, i'm sorry it took me so long to come back to you, i just discovered this place it's shutting down and didn't want to leave u answer-less 🤕
Probably have shared most of these through different posts and times, but here you go (you didn't specify any kind of genre, so i'm going to list just some of the favorites i can name from the top of my head)
• Entre los rotos - Alaíde Ventura
• Demian - Herman hesse
• Please look after mom - Kyung-sook Shin
• Waiting for Godot - Samuel beckett
• Flights - Olga tokarczuk
• On earth we're briefly gorgeous - Ocean Vuong
• Open Water - Caleb Azumah Nelson
• The Hatred of Poetry - Ben Lerner
• Bluets - Maggie Nelson
• Fruits We'll Never Taste, Languages We'll Never Hear: The Need for Needless Complexity - Beth Ann Fennelly
• on seatbelts and sunsets - Hanif abdurraqib
• The Average Fourth Grader Is a Better Poet Than You (and Me Too) - Hannah Gamble
• Craft Capsule: On becoming a pop star, i mean, a poet - Chen Chen
{ the thing about Poetry is that i tend to consume it by bits, instead of properly facing compilations of poems, therefore the amount of poetry books I've read it's ridiculously low, so i will name u 5 poems i'm currently rotating on my brain 🙂↕️)
• Glossary of terms - Franny Choi
• To the Sea - Anis Mojgani
• Statement of teaching philosophy - Keith Leonard
• Temporary Job - Minnie Bruce Pratt
• Ignatievo forest - Arseny Tarkovsky
As a final note i want to say that this made me realize the great amount of interviews i either read or hear and how a lot of my favorite language pieces just come from them. I truly recommend u to look up for written interviews and long chats on youtube from both, your favorite artists and artists that, even if u haven't properly approach, have caught your eye. I have discovered amazing people and ideas through this.
Listen to people.
Listen to the world outside yourself.
P.S. check for trigger warnings, please
what's your letterboxd?
hey! i love your edits/art. they are so beautiful and feel so gentle. thank your for sharing that with us. :)
i was just curious which solo release has been your favourite so far?
thanks to you for your words, truly mean a lot (also you calling them gentle felt like a hug, never thought about that description on the things i make) 🤍
i would say thematically indigo and face take the crown, but sonically rpwp and layover win. overall is a difficult question, or more like, i have trouble answering because it requires a direct decision and i would prefer to explore all its corners. for albums i would keep that answer, but for songs i would say i looove arson and standing next to you as singles, they have this sound that gives you an earworm in the best way possible, and make me want to sing at loud loud volumes, on the other side, hate you and snooze get me on my feelings, the first one because it is the kind of pop i would dramatize my life at 14, the second one because it is the kind of hug a dreamer needs and the chorus provokes really raw emotions in me.
regarding lyrics i would say namjoon's pen is always my most beloved but that may also be because his art is the one in which i can find my own reflection more easily. anyway as you can see i can beat around the bush for a long time so if one day you want to discuss each album in more depth i'll be very happy to chat ;-)
I miss you… if Sunghoon is my sun you are my river and tree I love you
I miss you too my little moon, i hope you're okay, i carry you in my mind and heart every second, please don't make me go crazy(er?)
(funny because Hasta la Raíz by Natalia Lafourcade reminds me of joon and there's a stanza that goes "Even if I hide behind the mountain / And find a field full of reeds / There will be no way, my moonbeam, that you will go away", that is very you two in my heart)
do u have advice for someone who wants to write. your poetry is so beautiful :')
everyone always talks about consistency but it would be wrong from me to tell you that because my writings and my liking over them are very sporadic; I'm deeply honored you think that of my poems, from what i've gathered the years i've been doing so and thanks to the on and off relationship i have to the medium i could advice you to write about what matters to you, overall i think people should be a little egotistical in their art, as in: your audience is /You/, no one else, at least when you're not writing love letters. An extra tip that has worked for me and that i think relates to this point is that you don't have to share publicly everything you write, you don't have to post or publish it all because you need to allow yourself the freedom of doing ugly art, "bad" art that captures your humanity as any other; years ago i used to post all the writings i was producing, and i use that word because i fell into the performance of it all, taking hot topics among my peers and forgetting not only what was actually important for me but also why was i doing all this to begin with.
Don't be afraid then, let your mind wonder and find inspiration everywhere and anywhere, never think your themes, your verses or your feelings too silly. allow yourself to edit and re-use things, read a lot and also read yourself! don't be too hard and listen to the advice of those you trust (and even of those you don't like 🤫), but overall don't compare yourself! find your own voice and be proud of it.
i hope i can read you soon, much love 💗💗
previous anon here i just got the notif! thank you very much friend it did help a lot. i have been struggling with maintaining a community while being frustrated at myself and others, with disagreements and compromises. i intend to observe a little more and react a little less impulsively (because the internet has made me quite a reactionary since i got on it during lockdown). i am also considering therapy when im less stumped with final year uni work thank u once again i really appreciate u taking the time to answer. sending u loads and loads of love <33
sending you even more love love 💞
& good luck with your final year of uni!!
i truly have faith in you, you sound lovely and wise in your youth, i hope you can achieve this and find some peace of mind; i get the part of being a reactionary, maybe some little less usage of socmed could help. also recently i talked with some friends about how hard community can be, even if beautiful, sometimes we romanticize the easiness of its existence too much, so if by times you find the path to your goal hard at least be reassured with the fact that it isn't easy for most people, but it's still completely worth it. be kind to yourself! 🫂
hello friend i apologise in advance if this is a loaded question but do u perhaps have any advice on how to escape cynicism (or survive with in it)? i feel like im constantly suffocated by all the upsetting things in the world. while i do see the kindness in it, the harshness towers over and keeps me from functioning and makes me react to everything in a meanspirited way and i don't want that :(
I'm sorry you're feeling like that, from what i gather it's disillusion what leads you to cynicism?
this answer may sound trite but turn into community, talk with other people, with your peers, with people who know more than you, who see the world differently, find fueling in different emotions, find hope in others. sometimes letting things live only in our head leads us not only to believe them as final but also to be caged with them, talk, write, read, let all this information and emotions flow in and out of you, feel your despair and your anger but after that watch them closely, part by part, ask yourself what are you gonna do with them, with the world, remember always that you're part of it and take that anger and hurt to decide what do you want this world to do for you so you can do it for it. remember that protecting yourself is valid, that despite what you do you can't change the world alone and that taking the route of cynism is easier than not doing so.
challenge yourself and those thoughts, face them, care for them, for yourself, for your people. find someone who inspires you and let them nurture you, think twice but don't live only in your mind! i think just the mere fact that you want to leave this behind, even that you're conscious of it (!) is already a big big step.
This world is hard and we must be brave, but you don't have to carry this alone, and you can't really decide to just look away, I would say that if it's too hard for you you should try therapy, but whatever desicion you make never forget to exist along others, trust me, it makes not only this fight but all of them easier 🫂
(i hope this can help, even a little)
sharing u this, please lmk ur thoughts huhu
Sorry for taking so long coming back to you!! this is interesting because den was kind of touching in this topic a couple of weeks ago ( ) and i loved how in few words she could condense such a good message.
I see in this post two topics: one is addiction and the other one is fomo, both driven by overcomsuption, both bad, hard to leave behind and scary when confronted as they are, but a pause first: i didn't really like (or at least the way a first reading gave me the understanding of) the way the need to know about the latest trends is being equated to the need to know about the latest news in the world, there is a clear and important difference both in content and in the action we can take after interacting with them.
now onto the topic: it's scary how every day more and more people relate to this, after reading this and den's words i asked to myself if you can be burned-out of consumption, and also the key element of that little word: consumption, feels like we're falling into the gluttony of it don't we? i've fallen too, i will not lie, it's sad being there, you think you're up to the world but it is so tasteless, you're following words that don't really speak to your soul but to a crowd and you think to yourself that at least you have company but still everyone has that void in themselves, black hole of more and more books, movies, posts, videos, articles; it swallows and swallows, you only remember keywords, you didn't even understand them yet you have to keep going, songs become candy wrappers you don't even like but the multitude keeps jumping to them and you can't stand behind. curious thing about identity isn't it? "who am i outside the crowd?" perhaps we know, but does it matter if we're now being seeing? we're not on the stage but we keep performing.
Here's the thing: no one cares about the two cents of opinion you could offer, and if they do, they also know they're not going to die without it. While reading this i was thinking: this is so interesting but what can i add to it? i do have an opinion (and i'm honored you're interested in it) but it adds two cents and sometimes we should save our money for better investments, am i making sense?
Funny thing, i ended up adding my two cents, can you use cents in slot machines? i'm making a bet here: you may lose your time reading me and i may lose mine ranting about a problem of the internet age.
It's not that we should stop altogether, is that we should do so with consciousness, everyone knows that (and we should also call ourselves out instead of explaining our fomo as "insatiable appetite for information" because those 30 minutes we spent checking the latest viral gossip is not really nurturing our minds, c'mon).
Lately i've been thinking about the unnecessary nature of lists (outside my work), you don't really need that reading/watching/listening list if what you're doing is putting preassure in the fast becoming of you as an over consumerist machine. relax. Also i think overall having this kind of relationship with things it's disrespectful to you, to the thing you're interacting with, to the people who made it and to life itself.
Anyway lol, i got worked up in the middle of this because I'm still mad about the time i spent thinking like this, thank you for sharing me this, it was interesting to read and a good rant to gather some thoughts here and there, i would love to read yours btw but if you decide to save this time i totally get it.
what are you most passionate about these days and how does it reflect in the things you currently pursue? (you seem very passionate to me about a lot of things, it's really inspiring)
been thinking a lot about this and i keep coming back to one thing: plants.
when the hot season started i came across some news of animals dying because of the heat, i started to put some water in the garden of my house and some kitties would arrive directly meowing asking for food, yes, but also water; one day i looked behind and i realized some beings couldn't even ask like that for their needs to be fulfilled, and obviously the plants on my house are being taken care of, and even there they would get "burn" by the blazing sun. what about, then, the flowers coming out of the pavement? and the untended trees at the edge of the city? I saw a timelapse video of plants moving and cried, realized how beautiful they are. of course i have loved trees for longer than i can remember and i have admired flowers since i had a thought about beauty, but once i saw them as muses, now i see them as art. does this make sense? i feel that through loving them i have also learned to love life in a way that felt familiar even thought i have never lived this process before, perhaps is the fact that with them is easier to see how everything is connected. i want to be a better person, not only for the people, but also for the nature.
i learned a little ago that you can make a bonsai out of almost every kind of tree, I'm preparing myself to try to bring a bougainvillea one to life. i talk with plants more now, i've always done so but this time I'm trying to get to a friendship state instead of just acquaintances. maybe i sound corny or crazy to you, but if i don't and you're familiar to the incredible love that plants can bring to you, if what surprises you is that i am only realizing now when you have lived with this for so long, i admire you because you carry a comprehension of life i am only familiarizing with now and i think there's few things as beautiful as understanding the value of life.
(this is such a big compliment to me, thank you so much, truly)
it says here on my phone that the package seems to b invalid : (
it did not work huhu!
:((( can you access the file? you have to download it, delete the original spoti you have installed and install this file instead, if after that it doesn't work i really don't know what else to do, sorry :(
( just in case i'll add the link again: )
unfortunately i cant dm u it says i have to be verified first ):< thank you aaaaa i dont wanna fund spoti anymore
fuck elon wtf, here:
let me know if it works!
hello i know this might sound stupid how did u download a cracked ver of spoti
it's not stupid i don't know how to either 😭😭!!! i have a friend who deals all that to me, asked him and he told me you can't download it from the internet without getting a virus but sent me the archive (APK) he edited (aka stem major) to clean out of that, so dm me and i'll share it with you! :-)
Hi! What is it that makes you like the music/ artists you listen too? What element of their music stands out the most to you? <3
their lyrics most definitely! the melody has to caught me although I'm not picky about that one, but to truly love music i need to like its lyrics, either love them, find them funny, witty, interesting; sometimes a whole song engraves in me just because of a verse, but a single verse can be so worth it.
Growing up this aspect used to be possible only in lyrics i could relate to, wanted to feel not-alone through music, thankfully i have learned that art is not a mirror and that a conversation can be better than a song if I'm feeling lonely (although it hasn't stopped giving me company). Now i seek to feel things that move me forward, that teach me and reach me and make me feel connected to humanity, be it by sillyness or straight up by a poem turned song.
( i still love songs without lyrics though, sometimes the instruments are the ones who talk don't you think? look, i love what this one says )
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