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anon · 7mo

hello friend i apologise in advance if this is a loaded question but do u perhaps have any advice on how to escape cynicism (or survive with in it)? i feel like im constantly suffocated by all the upsetting things in the world. while i do see the kindness in it, the harshness towers over and keeps me from functioning and makes me react to everything in a meanspirited way and i don't want that :(

I'm sorry you're feeling like that, from what i gather it's disillusion what leads you to cynicism?
this answer may sound trite but turn into community, talk with other people, with your peers, with people who know more than you, who see the world differently, find fueling in different emotions, find hope in others. sometimes letting things live only in our head leads us not only to believe them as final but also to be caged with them, talk, write, read, let all this information and emotions flow in and out of you, feel your despair and your anger but after that watch them closely, part by part, ask yourself what are you gonna do with them, with the world, remember always that you're part of it and take that anger and hurt to decide what do you want this world to do for you so you can do it for it. remember that protecting yourself is valid, that despite what you do you can't change the world alone and that taking the route of cynism is easier than not doing so.
challenge yourself and those thoughts, face them, care for them, for yourself, for your people. find someone who inspires you and let them nurture you, think twice but don't live only in your mind! i think just the mere fact that you want to leave this behind, even that you're conscious of it (!) is already a big big step.
This world is hard and we must be brave, but you don't have to carry this alone, and you can't really decide to just look away, I would say that if it's too hard for you you should try therapy, but whatever desicion you make never forget to exist along others, trust me, it makes not only this fight but all of them easier đź«‚

(i hope this can help, even a little)

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