Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 7mo

do u have advice for someone who wants to write. your poetry is so beautiful :')

everyone always talks about consistency but it would be wrong from me to tell you that because my writings and my liking over them are very sporadic; I'm deeply honored you think that of my poems, from what i've gathered the years i've been doing so and thanks to the on and off relationship i have to the medium i could advice you to write about what matters to you, overall i think people should be a little egotistical in their art, as in: your audience is /You/, no one else, at least when you're not writing love letters. An extra tip that has worked for me and that i think relates to this point is that you don't have to share publicly everything you write, you don't have to post or publish it all because you need to allow yourself the freedom of doing ugly art, "bad" art that captures your humanity as any other; years ago i used to post all the writings i was producing, and i use that word because i fell into the performance of it all, taking hot topics among my peers and forgetting not only what was actually important for me but also why was i doing all this to begin with.
Don't be afraid then, let your mind wonder and find inspiration everywhere and anywhere, never think your themes, your verses or your feelings too silly. allow yourself to edit and re-use things, read a lot and also read yourself! don't be too hard and listen to the advice of those you trust (and even of those you don't like 🤫), but overall don't compare yourself! find your own voice and be proud of it.
i hope i can read you soon, much love 💗💗

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