Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Wandering Heart · 7mo

Hey! Been thinking about you lately. How are you? I hope the world has gotten a little bit kinder to you these days. Just want to let you know that I am still cheering for you, even from far away. I miss you a little bit extra today (and on some random days when I see something that reminds me of you) Be happy, Islan!

Hello! I wouldn't say that the world has been the kindest, but at least the most part of it has. Bet it was all thanks to your distant prayers and cheering for me? Thank you for thinking of me on certain days even when I'm entirely absent in the realm. I may not know who you are right now, but I do know that there is always a special place in my heart that's entirely reserved for you. We were in love and happy together once as well, weren't we? I hope you'll find your tiny joy every single day and I hope we'll have the chance to share them together again one day!

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