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an evening guest 🌕 · 9mo

Have you ever written a love letter?

yes! my first ever love letter is when i was a 4th… or 5th grader. it was more like a “confession” letter because i picked “dare” on truth or dare game i played one silly afternoon; i got told to confess to my crush, so i thought, why not going all out? 😝

it turned out SO WROOONG… i slipped the letter somewhere in this boy’s desk and he freaked out when he found it; he ran all around the school while screaming DEMONICALLY, not of out of joy, definitely. he looked like he is crying… while holding up the paper in the air. but i wasn’t embarrassed… i was rather… weirded out? 😭 lagian aneh banget, malah teriak-teriak kaya orang kerasukan, i thought he is not cool at all. but later during break time, he came to me asking what i’m having and asked if he could have some. days later, he texted me on line and started talking to me… much later, he confessed. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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