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Shy little fairy · 16d
i dont really understand this things but d… — NOOOO definitely not unhinged 😭 I was so shocked bc it embodies a LOT of his chart, in fact, air takes up 55% of his chart! …

Ah i see bcs i think for the zodiac sign(?) people always talks about him being a gemini and says thats why hes always unhinged (in a positive funny way) so thats why

hahaha yeah Gemini’s have always gotten the reputation of being the unhinged ones tho in my opinion I don’t know if it’s a totally accurate description of Gemini 🤔 I’m speaking on this as someone who has both a Gemini Moon and Ascendant as well as a Gemini signature. Gemini’s really just enjoy a lot of variety and are super creative, but sometimes it takes them a while to commit, so they can come off a little flighty. More than anything I see Geminis as very sociable and dynamic.

When it comes to his “unhinged” side I would argue that it probably comes more from the fact that he has an Aquarius signature!

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