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Kazvin Wijaya · 3 answers · 2y

How do you deal with your trauma?

trabas aja karena lingkungan saya bukan yang bisa 'terima' ini sebagai trauma. pada akhirnya cuma diri saya sendiri yang bisa nguatin pikiran buat menghadapi hal itu. saya gak pikir saya sembuh secara total karena kalau dihadapkan sama hal tersebut pun saya harus atur napas dan tenang dulu.

Dealing with trauma isn't a piece of cake that everyone could do, but I usually telling myself that everything will be fine and nothing bad will happen to me again. Basically it's just like calm a child down gitu sih, kelihatannya emang gampang but actually it's not an easy things to do.

Actually I'm not sure how to deal with it. I will just face it and focus on myself.

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