Anonymous Coward · 1y

any recommendations for new writers who don't have beta readers? I'm so scared to get one but I also know my creative writing needs work to be good rn... and I have a magical girl AU I wanna write

Hi anon! I’m going 👀 at the idea of a magical girl AU! I’m hardly an expert at writing, but I have some tips for people who are trying to improve! Outlining is a pain, but it does really help, especially if you don’t know where to start or are working on something with multiple chapters, but remember that an outline doesn’t have to look neat and professional! I usually fill mine with inside jokes and even pictures to keep the outlining process more fun! But outlining can be a hard sell, so I think another piece of advice I can give is to read your writing out loud, or, if that’s a little nerve wracking, run it through text to speech and listen to how things flow. Those are just two quick tips I use, but I hope they’re a bit helpful!

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