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Parker⠀⠀。ᴗ ᴗ ) · 15 answers · 9mo

⊂⠀⠀qotd ¹⁰⠀⠀⌢⌢⠀⠀ ₅ ₄ ₂₄
⠀𓎟𓎟⠀⠀⠀❛ Would you rather have a conversation with your past self or your future self? Which one, and why? ❜

If I talked to my past self, I would therefore have memories of talking to my future self, so it doesn't really matter which one I pick. I'd love for someone who looks just like me but with an inexplicably worse fashion sense to randomly appear and say "HEY! I'M YOU FROM THE FUTURE!" just as much as I'd love to do that to my past self.

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