Karina · 12 answers · 2y

What is your favourite animal?

In terms of favorite species, I'm a basic bean: Cats. I enjoy petting them, their purring sounds, I enjoy how they are independent.

But in terms of individual animal? It's weird. It's a dog I know, called Sam. Which is weird, because I'm afraid of dogs. But Sam is such a sweet heart that I just can't help it. He's very friendly and cuddly, but won't jump at you (and will match your energy within seconds). He barely barks (basically when he's found a big stick to play with), but he has proven that he would protect people when necessary. He's an absolute dumbass, but will come running when he senses you're not doing well (I once saw him cuddle someone who was crying).

So: Either cats, or one specific dog.

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