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Benny · 10d

what’s your mhyk country assignments for some of the dunmesh characters

OMG THANKS i was just thinking abt this!!! im basing this mostly in their personalities. touden sibilings: western country. theyre weirdos. marcille: central country. chilchuck: eastern, maybe..? senshi: southern country. kabru: central country. mithrun: originally western, moved to east. thistle: western country

Voice of God · 10d

Could you please look up Ultraman the next on youtube and watch part time stamp 28:00 until 28:28? I wanna know your reaction of that scene and tell me what happen. I'm dying to get answers for this cus im bored. (give a long detailed answer if can)

please im so confused. i cant possibly give a long detailed answer. a guy gets attacked by a very ugly bad cgi lizard humanoid and fucking dies

Voice of God · 21d

your bradnero fic posted in february changed my life… i hope to see more bradnero from you !!! i love your writing

omg im sorry for not seeing this earlier!! thank you so much anon, this makes me so happy ^^

Benny · 29d

what are some anime/tv shows you like

.. now that you asked me that its like i have never watched a single tv show in my life 😭 hmm let me think. i like sitcoms! b99 (until season 5, after that i just pretend its not real) is my comfort show that i rewatch over and over. sherlock bbc as well embarrassingly so... i also love madoka magica and revstar & fmab Haikyuu is also one of my comfort shows. i also love atla/tlok and everything in the avatar universe!! the last tv show i watched was dr house i need to keep watching it. overall im not really big on tv shows or watching things in general 😭 most of the stuff i like are games or books or something in between

Voice of God · 29d

Tell us about your significant other

ooh what a cute question thank you anon :) we met on genshintwt of all places and we bonded over having an extreme hyperfixation on albedo and we became friends. it took us like 5 months to admit we had feelings for each other and then we finally started dating :) we had a ldr for 1 year and then i decided to go to college in their city to here i am now. well celebrate 3 years together in november ^^ melly is my other half every day im so thankful to have met her and to have her in my life shes the best person i know and the best partner&friend i could ask for

Voice of God · 1mo

Figaro is literally fausts father figure….. why do you ship them💀

Benny · 1mo

figafau should fuck on it mother daughter style do you agree

rita · 1mo

Whats your favorite fanfic you have read of anything if you have one

there are a lot of fanfics i like its embarrassing how much fanfic i read. but this one is so beautifully written i genuinely cried the first time i read it. its korrasami !!

io ☆ · 1mo

what brazilian cuisine would u feed ur favie wizards / what dishes do u think they would like best : o

omg this is such a great question first of all id love to feed owen brazilian sweets he would love brigadeiro and brazilian carrot cake... for figaro since he likes seafood id feed him moqueca which is a type of fish stew and its one of my favorite foods. for faust since he likes pastries i would give him empadas which are kinda likee a quiche but theyre usually stuffed with chicken !!

Benny · 1mo

who are two characters from separate series you think should meet

RIP JADE LEECH YOU WOULD HAVE LOVED SHYLOCK BENNET!!! alsoo neuvillette from genshin and figaro because i think that would be hilarious

Voice of God · 2mo

pls consider bradnero body worship 🥹 bradley showing concern for nero’s health due to not eating much

YESS thank you for the suggestion anon ill consider this for sure!!!! i love stuff where brad takes care of neri and worries abt him and nero feels all ahdjwjjd bc hes used to be the caretaker.... again thank u for the suggestion^^

Voice of God · 2mo

Is owen mourning cain after death in his owen way off the table?

NOOO IT ISNT i love writing about grief!!! i think this is a very interesting concept thank you anon ;^;

io ☆ · 2mo

im being actually insane, but i feel like i havent seen a single figafau fic with figaro bleeding/being wounded. what are your thoughts on this? sorry for the eroguro in ur ask box skakdksks 😔

OMG dont apologize. im soo 100% on board with that. i actually have an idea for fa figafau fic ive been meaning to write and i think this really fits the narrative so ill try to add it!!!!!

Voice of God · 2mo

fav faust cards!!!

THANK YOU FOR THIS QUESTION OMG i know im super biased but i think faust has some of the prettiest ssrs in the game... i love his cards where hes #serving curseworker but i also LOOVE how in his more recent cards theyve been making him look more gentle and with a more peaceful expression on his face... i think if i had to choose 4 of them, it would be these!!

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